Tramping in March.......interested?

Anyone interested in a couple of weeks tramping in March? Will be over from Oz to do Rees-Dart and/or anything else in and around this area. Wouldn't mind some company if you have the time? Please get in touch if you're interested.
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Just thought I'd put it out there for anyone else who may be interested. The Rees-Dart tramp starting March 4th from Queenstown. All welcome Interested?
I won't be getting to Wanaka until about mid-April. Damn... :P
Hi P. It's a pity you can't join us, would have loved to have you along. Anyone else interested?
Norm, see you in Queenstown on 2nd, meet at the Pig and Whistle for a beer? We're staying at Thomas's on the waterfront, pubs there too.
Hi Peter Unsure of exact time or date of arrival as yet but will let you know as soon as flight is booked.
Hey Norm, thanks for the invite on the other forum. Ive checked out the track details and it looks good, Id just have to negotiate some leave, esp as Ive just had some! If I do come, I could offer a lift from Chch for anyone needing it. Count me as a possible but I will have to juggle a few committments before I confirm. Sounds really good though!
That would be great if you could come along. Hope so, the more the merrier. Look forward to hearing from you again when you know if you can make it.
Should anyone have missed the earlier posts, this is an open invitation to one and all. There is a small group of people, unknown to each other, who are meeting in Queenstown on 2nd or 3rd March to do the Rees-Dart tramp, and whatever tramps maybe suggested afterwards. So if anyone is interested in joining us they are more than welcome.
Not exactly a last call......but! Should anyone have missed the earlier posts, this is an open invitation to one and all. There is a small group of people, unknown to each other, who are meeting in Queenstown on 2nd or 3rd March to do the Rees-Dart tramp, and whatever tramps maybe suggested afterwards. So if anyone is interested in joining us they are more than welcome.
Hi I wanna do the Routburn and continue to Rees-Dart and cascade saddle I want to start around the 10th of March, so the Rees-Dart section would probably start around 13th of March If anyone intersted, email or call 0210701433 I'll be happy for some company
31–40 of 52

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by normclimb
On 13 January 2009
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