Wellington region tramping clubs

Hi I recently moved to Wellington and was wondering if anyone can make some recommendations about the local tramping clubs. Cheer
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Well its not very good for there Club if there gonna turn away possible members and I was there with my father (being 55 and still able to keep up with me/go tramping) Maybe they should not assume because im only young that I don't don't know anything. I've prob been to places they will or have never been to. I'm 100 per cent sure I will survive going solo, the Germans seem to do it and im wayyyy more experienced than them...I been out in all weather etc and I know when it is time to call it off. (flooded streams and wind swept ridges aint too fun!) I probably stick to trips that have a very small amount of varibles to go wrong if that what your worried about.(escape routes, bridged creeks, tracked, study the weather(ya I can read cloud formations and weather maps), tell ppl of my plans etc)
o yea that was what my Dad called them when we walked out of there...I don't even think any kids my age I can go tramping with in my area...so sad ...my one friend last year neva left his house for 2 months^^
to hellmission i asked about why thay wouldnt let you go on the trip the answer was this. no one wanted to be responseable for you,as you wernt going to have a parent with you some one had to be your minder and if aything went wrong thay would be in the poo .it wasnt becouse you wernt up to it ,i think that you may have jumped to conclusions that you wernt welcome/wanted .when your a bit older you can look after yourself till then the clubs will be wary of takeing responsibility .hope this makes it a bit clearer why thay where reluctant to take you ,it wasnt personal
We have had the same problem at our tramping club. Kid develops and interest in tramping so parents drop them off at club. To them it is a free babysitting service. Unbelievable really.
The club I am with takes a very similier approach. I turned up for my first tramp unannouced and with a 9 year old, and late too. To say the least I was not too popular. But blissfully unaware of the ill feeling, my son and I jumped into the bus and joined the club for an awesome daytramp in the rain and mud. About 4 and half hours in total. Great tramp and my son kept up fine. Once we kind of proved ourselves, I got to hear some pretty aweful horror stories of tramps with children, so now understand the reluctance. Though I am guessing mr URL for a nick is a bit older than 9 and well up to it, but, yes an adult has to take charge of minors. Its a tough call for clubs, on one hand you don't want to discourage young trampers, but you don't want to loose them on your watch either. Most clubs have had to cope with loss of life on club tramps, it's an aweful experience. I guess it all comes down to risk management in the end.
Presumably this is very OSH-related, is it not? ie. People under certain ages not being legally recognised as able to be responsible for themselves, and all that... even if if they're more capable than some adults. I guess I can appreciate why a club wouldn't want to take on that kind of responsibility given the potential implications of any accident when the government's prosecutors come knocking.
Kids are fine, as long as they are with a parent or there is someone looking after them. It is the case where parent turns up at the beginning of a scheduled club trip, shovels the kid out and disappears that bothers me. It has happened in our club.
Yes, that's true. I guess I was just trying to suggest that even if a teenager like Phillip has demonstrated a complete capability of looking after themselves, there might still be compelling *legal* reasons for a club to be cautious about taking them unless they either know and trust the person really well, or an adult has agreed to take complete responsibility for them. With young people along, the penalty could be much greater if anything goes wrong. As soon as someone's old enough, it probably becomes much easier to point at someone and argue (within reason) that "the law agrees they were old enough to be responsible for their own dumb decision to lean over the edge of a bluff and fall off", for example. I'm not a lawyer, though.
I lol'd my father was going to come too...we wanted to try some Ruahine trips since we were looking to cover some new ground(Tararuas completely covered) and it was a long way to drive and some of the possible road ends were not secure. Nowadays we leave our cars on someone property(with permission) and my Dad is happy to drive since we normal do 3+ day tramps so its worth the drive. I can look after myself better than probably any other teenager. When we have done a school camp or trip they done know nothing about organization or how to look after themselves when out in the bush. On a practice tramp for Hillary Challenge one girl did not drink any water for the day...her friend bought sellotape for blisters on heel caused by very thin socks. The rest done even bring enough food or water. Their mums still pack ther bags. I packed my own bag from Day 1 (when I was 7 or 8.) Nowadays at 17 I organize the trips, food, plan, weather, accommodation, navigation, my father! Doubt many other teenagers can do this. (already planned the Christmas Hell Missions including off track mission! Just climbed Ngarahoe and some very poorly equiped tourists including 2 that did not have a clue of where they were. On the drive up on Friday he was walking towards the Rangipo Prison after missing his bus! completely and utterly sure I can survive a solo mission in the next holidays after this since my father will most likely saving his leave.
it never really pays to be too over confident when tramping solo, it only takes one slip or trip and its lights out, i seem to be a lot more cautious when tramping alone as help can be a long time coming if you are by yourself. however going solo can be great as you can do as you please and there is no-one to try and keep up with!
31–40 of 40

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