Wellington region tramping clubs

Hi I recently moved to Wellington and was wondering if anyone can make some recommendations about the local tramping clubs. Cheer
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Yeah, just talk to people at different clubs and try to go on a trip or two if you get an opportunity to get an idea of how they work. I think things like numbers and how fast people go depends largely on the club, and some clubs divide trips into different gradings to suit different people. As a guideline in my own club it's a spread between "Easy" and "Fitness-Essential" (which is for crazy people), and there would be trips of several gradings running on any given weekend, usually in roughly the same area because it simplifies transport. We'd normally get between about 3 and 8 people on any trip, but it can be more or less and people spread out. There are a few other factors like navigation, lots of steep climbing, river travel, etc, and with us at least, you'd normally find this out from someone organising the trip.
all signed up for a overnighter to washpool hut ,aorangi range next friday with hutt valley tramping club .busy week finding all my gear and getting ready :)
Snazzy. Have a good time.
ha hutt valleys did not even let me go on a trip, even tho I jsut tramped for 2 months. 'I think you oughta try some day trips before you buy some expensive tramping gear' I would rather tramp solo at 17 than go tramping with these old farts.
I wonder how long he is going to last, Norm, Matthew?
peter1945, I'd rather not delete posts unless really necessary. Our friend with an URL for a name, look at it from the club's perspective rather than insulting them. When you're on your own, you are only responsible to yourself. However, when you go with a club they bear some responsibility for getting you back safely. That's why they are cautious about letting you go with them on harder trips without knowing what your abilities are.
All very reasonably argued Matthew, and without resort to petty condescending name calling. This was, for my part anyway, my objection to the post. One day all youth must get old, sadly some seem to think this either wont happen to them, or that it somehow turne them into something they perhaps never were when young. I can only hope that our friend with the URL will live long enough to realise that getting old doesn't equate to being a cretin.
well put chaps ,sadly thats the attitude that results in tradgedys slow and safe beats quick and dead any day in my book !!!!
Or quick and safe. ;-) Phillip, it's great that you're getting out there and challenging yourself. Just bear in mind this fact: I don't know how many members of this site have died in the mountains, but I know, unfortunately, that it's more than zero. [Quick and safe is not me btw -- I get distracted looking at every rock and berry and toadstool I pass.]
11–20 of 40

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