Updates, 2 July

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Hi everybody, I'm very pleased to give you some exciting updates today. Firstly, some issues have been fixed with the forums. Page numbering was slightly off. I have also posted some rules at http://tramper.co.nz/?view=forums.rules . Secondly, profile pages have been tidied up and have some new information included on new "My travels" and "Log" tabs. Thirdly, a proper track finder tool has finally arrived. I have spent a lot of time on this tool to make it fast and easy to use. I hope you like it. You'll find it here: http://tramper.co.nz/?view=tracks . Any feedback on these changes is welcome. Let me know if you strike any issues. For the track finder, if you would like to see results sorted in different ways or you would like to filter by other factors, please let me know. Matthew
Hi Matthew, track search looks really good - and certainly fast :) Paging on the 'Photographs', 'My Travels', 'Contributions' (and maybe 'Log') pages would be useful. On the 'Log' page, links to the appropriate forum thread would also be useful. Just an observation : there are a few huts (et al) listed as 'visited' on the 'My Travels' page that, in fact, I've simply made a comment on (and not actually visited). I guess it's not easy to discriminate.
Thanks Matthew, it looks great to me. Especially the Log. Regarding the rules, is no commercial advertising now allowed in the Buy & Sell forum? I always thought they were, if only to make a place for it so advertisers didn't feel the need to post elsewhere. I'd get annoyed, though, if it was obviously off-topic (such as nothing to do with selling outdoor stuff in NZ), or spammish and repetitive.
Thanks for the feedback. I will clarify the rules (commercial posts are OK in that forum). BernieQ, with the log, that's a bug. Thanks for pointing it out. And I will get those links in there too...and paging maybe :)
One more addition for you. Find what's nearby. Here's what's nearby the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. The range is 10km btw. http://tramper.co.nz/?view=nearby&id=305
Oh yes - 'nearby' is very good ! Well done, Matthew, really kicking goals :)
Yep - really like the nearby layout ... but ... 10km? Good for a walk like the alpine crossing, but a bit limiting for backcountry locations compared to the previous nearby functionality. 'Show me all the huts within a day's walk.' Now that would be really good. What's a days walk? 20km in a straight line should do it? Though realise it all depends on whether your system could cope with the number of results it would get ...
No problem to change it to 20km. It makes a lot of sense for it to be about a day's walk.
The 'Nearby' feature seems really good and fast. I like the ability to sort by photos, huts, articles etc. So long as the switch from 10km to 20km doesn't slow loading down too much that would be good. In some areas everything within 20km would generate a lot of pages. I've noticed that 'Nearby' doesn't work for the most recent few photos. Is this a feature that updates weekly or is there a glitch?
Speaking of tracks, Matthew, how is a new track added ?
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On 2 July 2013
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