Updates, 2 July

Hi everybody, I'm very pleased to give you some exciting updates today. Firstly, some issues have been fixed with the forums. Page numbering was slightly off. I have also posted some rules at http://tramper.co.nz/?view=forums.rules . Secondly, profile pages have been tidied up and have some new information included on new "My travels" and "Log" tabs. Thirdly, a proper track finder tool has finally arrived. I have spent a lot of time on this tool to make it fast and easy to use. I hope you like it. You'll find it here: http://tramper.co.nz/?view=tracks . Any feedback on these changes is welcome. Let me know if you strike any issues. For the track finder, if you would like to see results sorted in different ways or you would like to filter by other factors, please let me know. Matthew
11–18 of 18

Yeah, its looking good. As mentioned above, it only seams possible to view the most recent 12 photos a member (including myself) has uploaded. I like looking at photos so I would like an option to see all the photos published by a user :) Also, as Bernie mentioned, the "Add Track" option seams to have vanished. Has this been taken down?
1 deleted post from Yarmoss
GlennJ, oops "Nearby" doesn't work for recent photos like http://tramper.co.nz/?8634 because they're not geocoded. The button shouldn't be there. That's a little bug.
BernieQ, oops I seem to have left off the "Add a track" button! http://tramper.co.nz/?view=editobject&class=track
Yarmoss, Yes there should be a link through to a page with more photos. I'll work on that.
Trackfinder looks great Mathew. I am having issues trying to add related information and location to photographs. I can access the information but when I try to add to a photo nothing happens. Can't do it via edit either
"No problem to change it to 20km." What about a slider (inside the 'Nearby' button) to preselect 5, 10, 20, 50 km proximity?? Now, that would be clever !
"Nearby" not working since at least 28.06.13 for freshly added photos even if geocoded!
Nor it is! Thanks I'll check that out.
11–18 of 18

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Started by matthew
On 2 July 2013
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