Reprogramming a PLB in NZ

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Hi everyone. If I were to buy a PLB in Australia, and then bring it to NZ for permanent use, how easy is it to get them re-programmed for use in NZ? I'm aware of the need to register it, obviously, but my understanding is that a UIN within the device needs to be reprogrammed before it'll be able to work, or at least before it'll be able to be registered in NZ. The Aussie guy reckoned this was a 2 minute process and suggested Hutchwilco, but I checked their website and they only seem to exist in Auckland on that side, in which case I might as well just buy one when I get there (and pay the GST and everything else). Does anyone know a place in or near Wellington that can do something similar? Are they likely to charge anything? Thanks for any tips.
It will work but as it would be registered in Aus the first call to get a search going will go to Canberra so expect delays
Thanks @geeves. I'm aware that if I register it in Australia, it'll go to Canberra. I've no intention of registering it in Australia, though, as I want to register it in New Zealand. My understanding is that the reason the call goes to Canberra, no matter where I try to register it, is because of the device's Unique Identity Number (UIN), which is mapped directly to Australia. Apparently the UIN can be changed to a NZ one in the space of about 2 minutes by someone who's professionally equipped to do so, but I'm not too sure of where to go in New Zealand to have this done, or what sorts of costs are involved (if any). I might flick an email to the RCCNZ and ask them for advice, and will post back here if and when I hear back.
try these guys. They are in Wellington as well as Auckland and specialise in a lot of this stuff and sat phones
1 deleted post from bernieq
Izogi, are you implying that there is a price advantage in buying the PLB in Oz? I'm surprised - what have you found to be the costs? BTW, it's the country code (which is part of the beacon transmission) that needs to be reprogrammed. Although it might be marginally faster to get the ball rolling with an 'in-country' PLB, the difference would be marginal. If you have an on-going Aus address, it would be simpler to register in Australia.
Hi @bernieq. Probably not much difference except for not paying the 15% GST which is added by NZ, and also being able to have Australia's GST refunded at the airport. I'm shifting back to NZ permanently so it'll be a NZ address, which is why I'm interested in what's needed to get it recoded with a NZ UIN so it can be registered in NZ. I'm purely exploring this for a potential saving, but I'm not too hung up on it.
Izogi, Found the following link which may be of interest. At bottom of page they provide a link to a a company called Bright Ideas, also Auckland based, that will do conversions. Plus as you have mentioned the following
In addition to my previous comment you may wish to check the following also. Tauranga based and do conversions for $147.
Thanks for the links, @FrankB. I've also heard back from a helpful person at the RCCNZ. The gist of it is that it's quite common and normal in NZ for UIDs of international PLBs to be changed so they can be re-registered in New Zealand, but it might be necessary to courier it to the designated agent for re-programming that model of beacon, and there may be a fee attached. Hutchwilco in Auckland, mentioned above, is the New Zealand agent for ACR beacons, which is one of the ones I was asking about at the time. I'm starting to think it might be easier to just pay the extra 15% and buy it in NZ, especially of the conversion fee could be as high as hundreds of dollars. That totally eclipses any potential savings on GST.
Izogi, in digging out the local info today I also came across an Oz site that specifically mentioned the ACR unit with a $25 fee for conversion and detail on how to register once in NZ. I will try to find the link again.
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