Reprogramming a PLB in NZ

Hi everyone. If I were to buy a PLB in Australia, and then bring it to NZ for permanent use, how easy is it to get them re-programmed for use in NZ? I'm aware of the need to register it, obviously, but my understanding is that a UIN within the device needs to be reprogrammed before it'll be able to work, or at least before it'll be able to be registered in NZ. The Aussie guy reckoned this was a 2 minute process and suggested Hutchwilco, but I checked their website and they only seem to exist in Auckland on that side, in which case I might as well just buy one when I get there (and pay the GST and everything else). Does anyone know a place in or near Wellington that can do something similar? Are they likely to charge anything? Thanks for any tips.
11–18 of 18

I may have spoken too soon, there is an Ebay link for some ACR units, $255 US with an additional $25 fee for the unit to be programmed to country of choice. The following link is for OZ, some interesting if not amusing comments, including the fact they will supply for NZ. This next one also has Oz contact and reprograming service.
Thanks Frank. I was checking around some of the NZ retailers this avo, starting from this list: One weird example is these guys in central Wellington -- Weirdly if you change the currency, the actual price changes dramatically. eg. An ACR ResQLink is either AU$425, or NZ$589. If it's genuinely the same product, you get a *much* better deal in Australian dollars, and if it's NZ-coded then it's a better deal than the best option I've come up with for buying in Australia (about $399 - GST = $362 + $60 for reprogramming = AU$422 + postage). If you paid in AUD with a NZ credit card, you'd get a much better deal than paying in NZD... as long as they haven't parallel imported something that can't be registered in NZ (unless you're fine with registration in another country).
Never mind, I'll take it back. They confirmed for me that it's all NZ-coded and not parallel imported, but once through nearly the entire checkout process, it always reverts back to the $NZ version which is much higher. They must just be using shopping cart software which has a configured conversion rate for display purposes which they've not updated for ages. Oh well.
I bought an ACR 2880 ex ebay, received it this week. Seller programs for NZ before shipping (in fact, they won't ship internationally until you tell 'em where you'll be registering your PLB). Landed cost was $363NZ - this is for the exact same unit available locally for $599. Pays to shop around.
1 deleted post from John Saunders
Bought one for my son on ebay from the USA, total cost NZ$ 340 inclusive re-programming which was actually done free of cost. Time from purchase to arrival in NZ less than 10 days. Have a look here , I chose standard USPS shipping.
Same place I got mine from - not sure why anybody still pays $600 for 'em....
Just posted to I bought a US ACR PLB and got it changed by one of the ACR service centres in Auckland for $50ish.
awesome posts guys, very useful thanks, I'm looking for one of these too and yas saved me alot of time!! :)
11–18 of 18

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