So, where are you tramping over the weekend?

Overniters or day trips. Be interesting to know where we go. The weather looks pretty crappy in general, so there may not be too much going on at the moment. We find it hard to start walking in the rain, but if it happens while we're out there it's not so bad.
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I guess all those 'what I did at the weekend' stories I was forced to write at primary school were for some purpose after all.
I would be at home with the flu :) , and I just gotten over a cold.
i have got this week and next week off and wouldnt you know it, i have a stupid cold!!, hopefully it wont last long, am looking at getting into the ruahines next week for a night or two, the weather better improve a bit too!
I feel something comming on too. But it is Simon & Garfunkle this weekend. It is going to be a very expensive weekend if I am too sick to go to that.
I organised another outing for work, 400 plus staff, this time Rangitoto Island, how many came? One. The rain had put them off I guess. We had a great day anyway, did the full Rangitoto Loop and summit walk. So much better in the winter, not so many people. The island is currently being cleared of rats and stoats and poison traps were all over the place.
Oh, I'm looking forward to doing that Rangitoto loop. Whats the campsite there like?
The camping is on Motutapu Island next to Rangitoto. You will need to contact doc. The campground is currently closed until 1 November. See link for details Rangitoto can be done in a day, you can catch either the 7.30 am ferry (weekends only) or the 9.15 am. You can stay till the last ferry at 4pm. Lots more info here The loop took us about 5 1/2 hours, but we both tend to tramp fast. I would recommend getting there on the 7.30 and doing all the side tracks as well, add about 2 hours to the tramp. Hope that helps.
It does indeed help, thank you very much! Shame about the campsite being closed, I had planned on walking it on 16th/17th October and staying over to return the following day. Maybe I'll skip it and go walk on Great Barrier instead.
went for a daytramp to holly hut and back today, was a good walk, had sun, rain, wind and cold- the whole lot!
Down Wanganui way next week so an opportunity to walk into Trains hut seems an easy choice for a change.
161–170 of 218

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