First aid and safety gear

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Hi, Just wondering what you have in your first aid kits. Do you start with a commercial one and then add things? I am looking at a couple I've purchased in the past: a small REI one and a larger Kathmandu one. The REI one includes antibiotic ointment, antiseptic towelettes, gauze pads, various plasters, fabric tape, scissors, a fairly extensive book on outdoor first aid, and a few varied tablets. Pretty spare, but it's only intended as a day walk kit. The Kathmandu one is clearly designed for multi-day trips and contains crepe bandage, a triangular sling, scissors, tweezers, one safety pin (seems a little ridiculous), several alcohol or cleansing wipes, gloves, various plasters, non-adherant pads, an Omnistrip wound closure, and a card which doesn't look very helpful. Apparently I have added to this a few electrolyte sachets, a few varied tablets, and some Nexcare Stretchfix underwrap. So what do you take? What do you think of the MSC lists here?
The group kit looks good although there is some double up with the personal kits. Personal kit copied below with one or 2 comments A standard "Individual" first aid kit will include: Crepe bandage (100 mm) Pain relief (e.g. Paracetamol) Triangular bandage cloth (sterile) Antihistamine tablets (3–6) Plastic strip dressing (6–10 bandaids) Sunscreen I use a combo sunscreen and insect repellant but dont keep it in the first aid kit Dressing strip Lip balm Not everyone will need this I dont carry this as I dont get chapped lips. Non-adherent sterile dressings (2 or 3 of various sizes) Disposable CPR face shield Gauze dressings (2 or 3) Notebook Sticking tape (1 roll) Pencil Safety pins Insect repellent see sunscreen above Scissors Personal medication Disposable gloves I would also add a strip plaster like Leuktaplast maybe in a large size if prone to blisters. In addition to the above in the kit although not truly first aid I have a emergency blanket, and in a separate bag a lighter and a hexamine tab just in case a fire is needed in a hurry
just bought a standard one from kathmandu, added some blister plasters, also have additional wide strapping tape, lotion for insect bites,
I put my own together, adapted from some good references & experience. I have a zip-lock plastic 'Emergency' bag that I keep in the lid of my pack, and a Kathmandu mesh bag of my common use things (eg. bug repellent, toilet paper, Cramp Stop, Stingose)that travels in a more accessible side pouch. I use a box-cutter knife rather than scissors, panty shields rather than gauze bandage, a goodly roll of strapping tape,& a miniature of Vodka. I use electrolyte drink sachets as part of my regular meal plan. That's not my inventory, just a suggestion on how you might want to personalise your own gear .
They are a good starting point and in reality if you have whats listed you wont die from something you should of been able to fix. Most of the commercial good sized kits are quite similar in there makeup but Im not so sure about the smaller kits that are quite often sold for hiking. My personal kit comes in at around 400 grams I cant see how a kit that is going to work is going to be much less but some kits are 50g or less
I pack mine depending on where I'm going, how long I'm going for and how many people are with me...hence it changes depending on the situation.
geeves do you reckon you will need all that first aid kit for EVERY TRIP? the ultralight crowd would have heart failure at your kit he he he, i'm sure the odd one is reading it now and racing for the heart pills...
Better add the angina spray to the list then geeves......!
A sam splint is a good idea. It's light,simple and helps deal with one of those things which could give real reason for concern.
"A sam splint is a good idea" Isnt that also known as leuktaplast and a lump of manuka. Leuktaplast is the trampers McGuiver tape. This part of the discussion is about the personal kit I think. Its not going to change due to group makeup as everyone carries there own. In all the years Ive been tramping Ive used 2 bandaids and half a packet of Neurophin. On that basis that should be all I carry but we all know that the most serious accidents happen on the easiest tracks so I carry it all every time. Our chief guides wife broke her ankle last easter walking along the board walk within a km of the track end. She got a free helicopter ride Group kit could change to suit conditions group etc ie climbing and alpine could have a greater need for bone repair School and scout groups require more blister repair etc
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On 19 February 2012
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