
Hi everybody, I made some changes yesterday and things are not quite right. Forum messages are not showing properly, and the new "Flag post" links are also not working properly. I'll let you know when these issues are sorted.
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Another small bug, Matthew : I've added quite a few photos over the last week or so. They all appear when selecting 'photographs' from the pull-down menu. However, only ones added on or before 20 March show when looking at my profile. Ones added on 21 March or since do not show under the profile.
Hi Bernie, Currently the photos are ordered by "interestingness" which is a formula based on views, recency, and ratings. However, it makes more sense to order by date, and I have changed this -- to be rolled out soon. Thanks for the tip. Great photos too by the way.
OK - perhaps enough to increace the weighting on recency ? BTW, it would be good to have access to all the photos. re photos - thanks - two great tramps and a new camera (FZ-200) - I'm happy with the results.
Hi Mathew. A couple of points I have noticed. The edit button in photographs does not appear to work (I need to correct my bad spelling) There is quite a long delay when using the "back button"to return to the main photo page from an enlarged photo Is there a "more" command to go to the next page when a search on the photo page throws up a lot of results
Photo edit works for me. What browser are you using? Returning to photo page: it's fast for me. However, there are a lot of photos there and there is some heavy JavaScript used to arrange them. I anticipate replacing the page change with an overlay view as is being used elsewhere on the site. There is not a way to page through search results at the moment, but this is something I will be addressing.
Matthew I attempted to start a new forum topic in the tracks/routes/huts section but the post didn't appear on the forum. There was a message that it was "caught in spam net" It wasn't spam! Do such posts go into limbo for manual review or are they automaticaly deleted? Don't know if this is a bug or not but the post was route information not spam. Replying to existing threads seems to work fine. Another thing I've noticed is that the "search" for forum posts doesn't seem to be picking up older stuff hence the need for posters to start new threads about topics that have already got threads going about them.
Hi Glenn, Basically, there is a hidden field that is updated once per day and must have the correct value. If it doesn't then it is assumed that your post was made using an automatic tool. It was nothing to do with the content of your message. Unfortunately, if the value changes while you post then you are out of luck. I should modify this code so that it only applies to new members and so that older codes still work. The second point regarding search: yes I've noticed that too. Will look into it.
Hi Mathew Re my last post on 4 April. I am still unable to edit my pix. I am using internet explorer and am having the same issue on my work computer. I can edit my profile without any problems
Mantis, when you look at one of your photos and you click "edit" (bottom left corner), what happens? Do you see the form?
Hi Mathew When I click on the edit button it gets lightly dotted edges which i guess means that the button is active, but then nothing else happens no matter how long I wait. when I edit my profile the edit page pops up immediately. I had thought that maybe the security settings on my browser were causing the problem but changing them makes no difference
21–30 of 58

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Started by matthew
On 4 May 2011
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