CV for New Zealand

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a bit unrelated to this forum, but could anyone help me how a CV and cover letter for NZ needs to look like? Everyone around me hasnt written an application for a decade and cant help me. Pointing me to a website with the right information would already help :) thanks in advance, Frauke
"a bit unrelated" only because I'm applying for a DOC job where I'll probably spend all day telling people what nice hikes they can do in the area ;)
DOC CV's are unique in the world. They call them "behavioural format" CV's. You must give a brief summary of your employment history, education, etc as usual, but the main part of the CV is a series of short 'stories' recounting occasions on which you've demonstrated the skills in the 'capability areas' in the job description. A document exists called 'Guide to writing a DOC CV', send me a personal mail with your email and I can forward a copy to anyone interested. Sadly in 7 years of applying for DOC jobs without knowing what format they wanted the CV in, it was only last year that one office sent me the guide - and having followed that it was the only time I got an interview (and got the job). DOC get dozens of applications (65 for one I went for last year) and apparently any application not in the DOC required format gets ignored.
I've sent you an email, I hope it doesnt land in the junk file (sometimes that happens). I've seen the behavioural format mentioned somewhere before, but it wasnt mentioned in this job offer which is for a DOC visitor centre. I'll email them and ask what format they want. Also I'm surprised these job offers never mention a starting date...
Is it worth posting a link to this for others that might want to work for DOC.
Is that the same as this document on DoC's website titled "How to write a CV"? The parent page has more detailed information about what they're after more generally:
izogi: No that's nothing like the guide I got from DoC. To read the page you mention you'd think they want something just like any other CV. It makes no mention of the 'story telling' format they seem to expect, e.g. (from the guide): === Leadership Ability and Teamwork • Tell us a situation when you worked well in a team • Tell us how you showed good ability to prioritise your work to reach the goals of the team • This is a good place to put in how you organise yourself to do a good job for the team • Remember that the job you are applying for may not have a supervisory role, so this has a great deal to do with self leadership ====
meh. I just had a loooong look at the immigration website and the whole thing might come down to the point that because it is a position in a visitor centre and not as park ranger, that it isnt in the list of skilled employment and I wont get enough points for a work visa then. no work permit = no need to apply. actually I would prefer a more outdoor position anyways, just the vacancies for park rangers all included chain saw handling etc, which I dont see myself doing much. I'm strong for a girl, but I dont think I could work with a chain saw for long. The hedge trimmer gives me trouble already after some time. The reason I take such a close look at the DOC job vacancies is that I liked the volunteer work at the kauri park so much. It is pretty much want I want to do. Knee-deep in mud with two 250 traps on my back and I was having fun. The ranger kept asking if we dont have enough mud in Germany ;) I'm rambling... better get some fresh air after reading a good hour different sections of immigration requirements.
Volunteer work is probably a good start,and if you could hook into a seasonal job a hut warden, in the season,you have to be reasonably well qualified to be a ranger, say Parks and Recreation degree, Science degree or similar, young people these days can also go through a 'Ranger Traineeship'similar to a internship,I think there is a real Hierachy in DOC but if you can get your foot in the door....
I got a master degree in a combination of geography, business administration and computer science... currently the whole things boils down to the work visa problem. The job I was going to apply for isnt on the list. Else I would have been (over)qualified for the job itself (they still need to choose me, of course).
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Forum The campfire
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On 16 February 2011
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