CV for New Zealand

a bit unrelated to this forum, but could anyone help me how a CV and cover letter for NZ needs to look like? Everyone around me hasnt written an application for a decade and cant help me. Pointing me to a website with the right information would already help :) thanks in advance, Frauke
11–12 of 12

Yes - and I had post-grad qualifications in wildlife management, years of NZ specific trapping / control experience for the AHB, not to mention year of computer and GIS work. But it's still taken me 7 years and well over 20 applications to even make interview with DoC. The advice above is good. Getting your foot in the door will be that hardest thing, no matter how well qualified you are. Remember that in a popular spot like Te Anau there are likely to be DoC people from all over the country wishing to transfer there and you will be competing with them - people with knowledge of the DoC systems, on the ground experience with the species involved, possible personal experince working with the staff in the new office, ... So take the temporary positions, take the voluntary work, consider applying for jobs in the remoter areas where fewer people want to work, consider the less appealing jobs. Because, assuming you're good, once you've worked there, once they have seen that you;re good at your job, have the skills, once you have that NZ specific experience on your CV, the next, mlore desirable position will be much easier to obtain. All advice I've been given myself, and advice that seems to work
thanks for all the advice. The major problem for me is the work permit. I guess in the 5 months I still have here, I'll just do more volunteer work. If a job comes up that will fullfill the requirements for the work visa, I'll give it a go and apply.
11–12 of 12

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Forum The campfire
Started by Frauke
On 16 February 2011
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