Land SAR advertising

Just a stray thought. Can anyone suggest a good reason why Land SAR should be spending megadollars advertising their wonderful service on television? All I can think of is that at this time of year there are people on holiday getting themselves into trouble. But do Land SAR really want calls from people who can't find their car keys or their husband? The ad features a friendly yeti and at the end says 'in reality there's only one solution.' Hmmm...I'm not so sure about that. I can think of several right off the top of my head.
These adverts screen on TVNZ who claim they sponsor LSAR, so maybe the adverts are freebies for LSAR (obviously they still paid to MAKE the adverts...). But no, I dont understand the point in them either.
I have noticed the ad on TV but havn't noticed it early enough to actually watch it. I did notice that after the ad is says that it is posted with the support of TVNZ. looks to me like it is a freebee public service sort of add. I guess the reason would be public awareness. Many companies advertise simply to promote brand awareness rather than to promote a particular product or service. I think the ad is saying that NZ Land SAR exist, which many people will not be aware of.
I hadn't seen it (not presently in New Zealand), but here it is on Youtube. Weird. I wonder what they're intending to accomplish. Do people need to know that LandSAR exists if it's usually the Police's responsibility to call them in? I could appreciate understand advertising for awareness if there's a desire to get more volunteers, but that doesn't seem to be what the ad targets.
It is a bit daft. My bet is that there is a SAR volunteer working at Weta Workshop and he produced the ad for free. I don't like the slogan at the end "we are your only way out". What happened to self reliance? Self rescue is always an option for a well prepared party.
It's definitely clever. Has this been on TV for quite a while? The comments date back to July 2009. I haven't seen it, but I also don't tend to watch much TV.
Here's the 2-part behind-the-scenes video describing the making of that commercial. Part 1 (8:37) -- Part 2 (7:22) --
Is quite cool - since 2009 it has been around - seem to remember some Axis Grads doing some other work for LANDSAR ads a while back as part of their graduate work - this one (creative) was done (pro-bono) by Colenso (big Agency)

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