Where is this?

Bit of a challenge since we can't go bush. Where is this photo (winner gets to go next). http://qrp.nz/system/images/6/IMG_20200319_172300_original.jpg Hint: the fenceline is the clue
281–290 of 423

Name this hut. In the second photo, which is near the hut, identify the two rivers and name the spur. http://tramper.nz/files/objectversions/28252/62CEB100-F2AF-4472-BCD5-D958DECCCF10.jpg https://tramper.nz/17066/photo/
North Ohau Hut, Tararuas - Never been there so feels like cheating but saw it once a while ago when researching tramping in the Ohau area in South Island and it has always stuck in my mind being a new design.
That was pretty quick, well done. I’ve just uploaded the 2nd photo for bonus points http://tramper.nz/files/objectversions/28253/D6987DC5-4489-4CC4-8F8F-84A30A1B4BED.jpg
That's the confluence of North and South Ohau Rivers at the foot of Deception Spur. I'll pass on to someone else for the next go~
Name the hut this photo was taken from.Photo of hut itself to follow if nobody gets it. https://tramper.nz/files/objectversions/28254/IMG_20190831_154837.jpg
Really got me stumped there. Broad glacial valley - ~1km wide? We seem to be on a broad terrace with the river flowing down the far side. Looks as if it's going to be a standard 4-bunk forestry hut, maybe 6. Matagouri on the flats - so east of the divide somewhere between Otago-Southland border and Lewis pass! Looks like beech half way up the far valleyside, so not barren Canterbury country. I feel we're looking N or NE. Strong straight line on the range opposite which rules out the outlying range such as Takis and Eyres. Feel like I've ruled everything out. So some of that must be wrong!
http://tramper.nz/files/objectversions/28255/IMG_20190831_172851.jpg On the right track @madpom - am fairly certain that you will have passed by this hut or maybe even lodged for the night here after a trudge. Standard 6 bunk NZFS design, with an open fireplace which for whatever reason is particularly smokey - GREEN wood doesn't help.
Moa Stream hut??
Correction - Trust/Poulter hut (opposite Thompson Stream on the Poulter River)
Ok. I'm going back to my very first guess on the basis of the new photo - which I dismissed on the basis of the valley being too overgrown. Trust Poulter Hut. If it's not there, it's gotta be in that region (I hope). Can't recall other areas using that unusual chimney design with coro on the back, flat iron up the sides and the angle iron bracing. === Edit: Too slow pom!
281–290 of 423

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Forum The campfire
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On 26 March 2020
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