Where is this?

Bit of a challenge since we can't go bush. Where is this photo (winner gets to go next). http://qrp.nz/system/images/6/IMG_20200319_172300_original.jpg Hint: the fenceline is the clue
271–280 of 423

Actually called Smiths Creek waterfall but close enough. This would be a full hour up the creek or a bit less via the unmaintained track starting about halfway upp the Puffer saddle. Last time I went there it was dry. You have more photos than I do
Never spotted the turnoff to that waterfall. Next time ... Different one: Name the hut. http://tramper.nz/files/objectversions/28250/hut_pic.JPG
I'll kick off . It looks like the old NZFS design in "original" orange and with the fishing/rafting clue wondering if it's mid Waiohine?
Right island. Likewise in a valley floor context. But further north. As you say, a little-modified 4 bunk, SF70? NZFS hut. Surprised there are no hunters visible in the book.
Damn, was utterly convinced I had that one....this game leads to a fair amount of confirmation bias!
Hmm, thinking Ruahines now - Iwakatea forks hut may be?
Hmm. Maybe a photo to help direct you to the right park. http://tramper.nz/files/objectversions/28251/IMGP0054.JPG
Ah yes, I definitely needed more clues. Kiwi Mouth hut, Kawekas
Is this an example of Kiwis mouthing off? Edit - beaten (with a stick :)) which is fair enough since I cheated - I looked up Art of a Hut and flicked through the list. Took about 5 seconds too long !
Well done both. @jcmck has it.
271–280 of 423

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