Where is this?

Bit of a challenge since we can't go bush. Where is this photo (winner gets to go next). http://qrp.nz/system/images/6/IMG_20200319_172300_original.jpg Hint: the fenceline is the clue
221–230 of 423

Lets try a new area then. Name the huts I'm between. Looking back: https://tramper.nz/imgcache/28/28232-feature.jpg
Looking forward: https://tramper.nz/imgcache/28/28231-feature.jpg
Agree dodgydave, hadn't realised it before this game. Adelaide Tarn is a lovely spot - so glad I've been there. The Dragons Teeth scraping the sky as you come through the Needle's Eye, the tarn below - pretty special.
Darn, wished I'd been following this game. I recognised Worsley Pass and Scamper Torrent in the thumbnails!
And just when you think you know what's going on .... Quite a wide, farmed valley, not a lot of infrastructure, not a major river, beech on one side of the hills (S?) and tussock on the other (N? so looking East). A long thin lake surrounded by beech and a sharp treeline but hills not high enough for permanent snow. I've looked from St James down to Dunedin but nothing.
Looks like S. Mavora Lake in the backward view and the Ashton Valley in the forward view So I'd say you're between the Upper Oreti and Ashton huts
Hey, a photo location I actually recognise. Yup, what steve said.
Well done stevep. Sorry for the delay in replying.
@Yarmoss, I had the same reaction. So, what is the name of the (very big) hut adjacent to this pakihi? https://tramper.nz/17055
Good grief, there are some *very* big huts - Pinnacles is 80-bunk! I'll have a random stab at Blyth hut (probably not big enough - only 20 bunks :(
221–230 of 423

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