MapMyHike - See where you're going - it's free!!

Just found this amazing website and wondered if anyone else has been there, too. Don't know if it has every track in the country, but it certainly has all the main tracks in the Tararuas. Use the hybrid map option. You can plot your tramp, it shows you distances and elevations, and you can even fly the track in 3D, so you don't have to leave your lounge!! Just put on a pair of boots, a parka and a beanie and do a virtual hike. Satellite imagery is so good, you can zoom in on, say, Maungahuka Hut, see it and the tarn next door. It tries to sell you a Platinum membership, but you don't have to pay a cent. Just shift the box into a far corner of your screen. Google MapMyHike and you'll find it.
I had a quick look, it's possible to upload gpx files as well and it will spit out an altitude profile (I had been looking for that). I'll tinker around with it for my next hike :)
EveryTrail is also pretty good if you want analysis of GPX files. It'll plot them on maps, show elevation/speed profiles, let you connect the trip sequence with photos/videos (either uploaded or pulled from services like Flicker, Picasa or Youtube), and so on. Here's an example, although I've configured it so the profile doesn't show up automatically. You'd have to click somewhere in the lower right for that. There are a few other services around that do similar things, but most seem to target cyclists. Everytrail's my favourite at the moment.

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