Aussie to Tramp NZ South Island

Hi there, first I would like to praise this site, very useful info for people like myself wanting to go tramping in NZ with no knowledge of the area. And also I must praise NZ DoC, so many cool huts! We don't have cool stuff like huts and swing bridges in oz really... Anyway, I am planning my second trip to NZ in August and I want to do a 3-4 day tramp in the South Island. It would be my second tramp in NZ, but I have loads of experience in oz, although no alpine/snow experience. I would like to gain some experience in these areas however. My initial idea is to do the Welcome Flat Hut walk in walk out. I have a few questions about this idea: 1. Is it possible to get there with public transport? 2. What are the dangers on this route? I read that there are avalanche chutes, should I be worried about these? 3. I know it's a valley but would there be snow? 4. Anything else I should know like special gear to take?(i always take a tent, sleeping bags, stove, water, food and warm clothes ) If anyone can suggest a better tramp please do so, but welcome flat looks pretty good- hot springs with Alpine views and a big hut. Perhaps one with an Alpine pass incorporated would be cool, but I don't want to push it. Cheers.
Oh, and also on the Welcome Flat route would there be somewhere to collect drinking water from or would the hot springs corrupt all the water sources in the area?
Hi Grant - We don't have swingbridges in Oz because there's no water to cross, hehe. :) 1. I believe the Wanaka / Greymouth bus will do set-downs and pick-ups. You might be able to hitch a ride from Fox Glacier, which is the nearest town to the trailhead. 2. I'll leave this to others that have tramped the track to answer. But from my observation of the track on Google Maps, there are a few obvious chutes. That's not to mention what goes on under the cover of the forest. And with August being winter and all... Having said all that, it is an all-year track when accessable, being low-land and all. 3. Possible. 4. It's a - rather large - backcountry hut so you should take the usual backcountry hut. I doubt a tent would be required - it's off-season. Food is generally handy if you like eating. Stove too. Warm clothing - definately, it'll be chilly. 5. Water. I think you'll be fine. Use the standard precautions - take from a running source, etc. Hope that helps. Paul
Thanks Paul that's a great help. Hopefully someone will be able to tell me how to handle the dangers of avalanches in this area, and any other dangers. Can I confirm with someone that the water will be OK downstream of the hot springs, or will Amoebic Meningitis always be a risk? (I would treat/boil the water as usual, would this kill it?)
No idea about the water, but I'll add the obligatory "you should really take a tent or other emergency shelter regardless" comment, since I like doing that. :-P
Amoebic meningitis is a risk in any hot spring anywhere. However, the water has to actually enter the sinuses. Basically, it's very rare but very lethal. There are water tanks at the Welcome Flat Hut. I would generally avoid drinking from rivers that have a large catchment with many trampers or cattle upstream. There are stacks of side streams on the Welcome Flat route that should be fine drinking.
There were (I think) three deaths from Amoebic meningitis at a hot spring in Matamata in the 1960s. It was immediately after a flood and water from surrounding farmland had mixed with the spring water. The kids involved were jumping and diving, like kids do in water. It is probable that the amoeba came from the farm run off, rather than the spring itself. The usual precaution is not to put your head under water in untreated thermal water. Many pools use heat exchange now anyway.
Does Welcome Flat Hut still have the phone-in pack assistance?
Maybe you could phone ahead and have them also turn the heat up at the hot pools and ensure your towels are laid out and ready.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by grantp
On 23 May 2010
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