5-7 day tramp suggestions please!

Hi team, Since I'm no longer going to Australia next week for the NRL Grand Final and oh, my dad's wedding, because I no longer have a passport, I've decided to still take the time off and go tramping instead. So I'm looking for something anywhere in the South Island, 5-7 days. Stupidly, I told a friend I'd go tramping with her, but she only has the weekend, which is right in the middle of my time off. So if anyone knows of any brilliant tramps that someone could seamlessly meet up with me for a two-day section in the middle, I'd be happy to hear about it! And she's quite adventurous, so river crossings etc aren't an issue (she may even carry her packraft). She's based in Timaru, so maybe not Kahurangi or Fiordland (although I'm tempted to tell her I'm doing my own thing, and hitting one of those anyway). ;)
I was going to say Kahurangi; Mt Arthur, tablelands, Cobb. You do quite a nice circuit there from Flora and cover a whole lot of huts. I'm planning something along those lines later this year... Bit of the TA perhaps? St James?
Cheers Jet. Yeah, there are some juicy sections of TA, but I want to crunch the South Island in one hit. St James is definitely a goer, but there's no way my friend can join me in the middle. Having said that, I'm pretty sure I can smash out St James in pretty quick time, so it may still be feasible to do St James Wednesday to Friday, then meet up with Ag Friday arvo for a weekend jaunt, before maybe knocking off another track, perhaps Goat Pass. What do I love most about NZ? The options for adventure are literally ENDLESS! :D
Lewis Pass -> Waiau -> Blue Lakes is a 4 - 5 day trip in Nelson Lakes NP. If your lady friend is going I would have to say that it is pretty hard going, but if shes quite fit then id give it a go
She's probably fitter than I am. :D Actually, I've changed my tactic. Too hard to find something really enjoyable whilst having to account for her tagging along for a couple of days in the middle. So I'm shifting my leave a couple of days right, and extending it to two weeks. So I'll have Friday to meet up with her (I'm in Greymouth, she's in Timaru), a couple of days tramping with her (I'm now thinking the Mount Cook area, Ball Hut etc), then she can go home and I'll shoot down to Fiordland and sneak in a couple of the Great Walks before the season opens. Been 13 years since I've been to Fiordland, and I didn't get to do any walking whilst I was there. I'll have 10 days, plus 1 day to travel home (LONG drive Fiordland to Greymouth)! But that's ok. I did do a day trip from Greymouth to Farewell Spit and back on Monday. ;) (And no, I didn't speed. With a passenger-endorsed licence, I can't afford to).

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Kreig
On 21 September 2016
Replies 4
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