Lost Wellington Hunter

Has anyone heard anything more about the 22 year old wellington hunter that was reported missing around longview hut in the ruahines on monday? there was a small thing written on the tvnz but I havnt heard anything more, does any one know if he has been found?
I heard that he had managed to get a cellphone call out and is safe and well.I think he made his own way out.
Here's an article (or possibly a helicopter company press release?) from Tuesday 20th April dug up courtesy of Google News: http://www.voxy.co.nz/national/lowe-corporation-rescue-helicopter/5/45616 "Whilst the rescue helicopter crew were searching for the man he managed to reach high enough ground to receive a mobile message that had been left by the Police Search and Rescue. As he was making contact with the Police Search and Rescue he was spotted by the rescue helicopter crew. He was flown by rescue helicopter to his vehicle in a healthy and fit state. "The man had been in unfamiliar territory which had caused a delay to his hunting trip. Police said the man had followed common safety practice but emphasised the need to write in hunt lodge log books and to let people know your intentions."
Cool thanks for that,its good to hear that he`s safe. I think thats about the 5th rescue in the ruahines in the past 4 months which isnt a good trend to be following. Hopefully it starts to drop down abit
My mistake sorry there have been 9 rescues within the last few months in the ruahine`s, 2 from people getting caught by rivers. 2 from people getting lost. 1 shooting incident. 1 person/s getting pulled off a slip. 1 from having a stroke and 2 from having falls down banks. Thats the one`s that I know of anyway
Plus another one that began last night. So far there's only a brief Radio NZ report as far as I can tell: http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/stories/2010/04/26/1247fec15f67
She's safe and well.She walked out this morning.

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Forum The campfire
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On 22 April 2010
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