Old Aniwaniwa Visitor Centre to be dismantled

The Department is working with Te Uru Taumatua on the proposed development of a new Te Wharehou o Waikaremoana, with visitor information, located at Home Bay adjacent to the Waikaremoana Holiday Park. http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO1609/S00018/old-aniwaniwa-visitor-centre-to-be-dismantled.htm
I got the impression from some conversation I had that they were more miffed about the fact that the old centre had been left degenerate and that they wished to revitalise it. Perhaps they had a change of mind, then again it sounds as if the old centre is beyond redemption. I thought the old centre was ideally located but then the proposed new location would no doubt enable a better overview and contact with visitors.
2 deleted posts from bmackz
If one only has a single thread of architectural sensibility in ones body the decision on what to do with this building is obvious. I can still remember visiting the building in the early seventies as a young teenager and being excited by it and not until years later understanding why. John Scott was completely unknown tome then. It's one of those buildings which has lead me to spending most of my adult life pursuing an architectural career. I dream of producing a gem like that.
Anyone else noticed how under this barbarian govt DoC really haven't done anything to be proud of in quite some time?
remember, DOC are extremely strapped for cash. DOC may not have had the money to restore the building, now the maori's are running the park i think they are contributing to the cost of a new building? they may have wanted something lower maintenance and start from scratch with a weather tight building. it's a massive park and DOC would have a lot of pressure to spend money in countless other areas of the park. national parks aren't about visiting architectural buildings, as nice as this building was.
Since 1987 when DOC was formed by crunching together a heap of different agencies that had stakes in the conservation estate, one of DOC's mandated functions has been managing historic places. It's probably at least as much about places where historically significant stuff's happened, but if you're the sort of person who reckons the building is historically significant, there's possibly an argument that DOC has a direct responsibility to protect it.
Yes, down this end of the country DoC spend a lot of time conserving historic buildings e.g. the Godley Head emplacements and Quail Island. Of course this may only be because this area only had one DoC hut to maintain: the Packhorse Hut.
doc may have been hoping people werent going to consider a building a few decades old held that much importance to people, but got more objections than they expected

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