zip corrosion on pack

I’ve had a 7 litre macpac amp 12 pack for a couple of yers, use it for half day walks in good weather if I’m not going far I found the pocket zips were getting very stiff, I found corrosion on them, the main compartment zip is a brown coloured metal and ok, the picket zips are a normal steel colour. I sent it to macpac to look at, they wont cover under warranty, and I have to pay to have it shipped back to me, or $40 for new zips which will corrode again. I’ve never had it covered in salt spray and dry it thoroughly on the odd occasion it gets wet. I’d have expected a metter material in the zips to resist corrosion, I have other brands of packs I’ve had more use out of and no issues with zip corrosion
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@izogi Agree re skype etc. Digital Photo's are pretty good now days. Surely this or Skype should be a first port of call before physically sending it around the country. Cheaper too. Can also use the opportunity to upskill your retail staff in what to look for etc
On the other hand, one thing that needless sending around the country accomplishes is to create uncertainty for customers and discouraging them from risking the return of items even when they might be rightfully coverable under warranty.
yeah this is a small item, half a kilo in weight and small when packed down.... you'll be up for a lot more money if it was a full size pack you needed looking at, you'd want to be pretty sure its coverable under warranty, couldnt they first get the staff to send photos before risking the client having to potentially pay for shipping. macpac are essentially having their cake and eating it with the current system
The company I used to work for used to pride itself on customer service. When competition came along they even went to the extent of identifying callers to the call center that were customers of the competitor and bumping them to the front of the que. Then one day they noticed what the competitor was getting away with and thought "maybe we can also get away with this" From there it was a race to to see who would receive the prize for worst customer service in NZ each month. I havnt named the 2 companies above for a reason. Even if you do work it out which isnt hard please dont tell. It wouldnt surprise me if Macpac look over Katmandus shoulder for much the same reason
Be aware there is no such thing as a "manufacturer's warranty" in NZ. The onus is entirely on the retailer to warranty the product for a "reasonable period" based off "reasonable use" of the product as per the consumer guarantees act. Manufacturers can of course state a warranty period which retailers can choose to use. However, the Consumer Guarantees Act trumps this if the warranty period is not "reasonable". It is up to the retailer to sort it out with the consumer and then seek redress from the manufacturer/distributor. Of course it is also up to the consumer to take care of their purchase and to use it for its intended use. This is the bit which often gets missed.
macpac are the manufacturer and retailer
Yes they are. I was not being specific to your case.
Got the replacement pack, updated design. uses brown alloy on all zips as well as a couple of other design changes...
21–28 of 28

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