Planning a trip to NZ in late february/march 2017

Hi! I`m the new guy ;) I`m 41 years old and from Germany. I`m currently planning a trip to NZ. Maybe you have some ideas for me, on what to change, or what to add. Here`s my idea: I`m planning to fly from Hamburg to Auckland on 18.02.2017, and I will arrive there on 20.02.2017. I will stay in Auckland for 2 days, to do some sightseeing, and to organize some things, like gas tank for the cooker, maybe a tent,if I don`t bring my own, sunscreen, insect repellent. I want to get the Intercity Flexipass with 60 hours, and stay on campsites, except in the bigger cities, as the campsites are too far away from the city centre. I will not rent a car, as it is too expensive. Also, I want to travel by bus,and meet fellow backpackers. I want to go to: - Paihia ( do the Eco Dolphin Cruise and visit Cape Reinga) - Coromandel ( take a trip with the Town Driving Creek Railway and maybe the glass bottom boat at Whitianga) - Rotorua ( discover the area, maybe take a trip to Waitomo and do the blackwater rafting, and I really must try Zorbing!) - Taupo ( cruise the lake) - Wellington ( do some sightseeing) - Picton ( Do the delivery cruise) - Nelson ( discover the Abel Tasman Coast by boat and walk) - Franz Josef ( maybe do a walk on the glacier) - Queenstown ( do some sightseeing, ride a jet boat, cruise on the Milford Sound, cruise on the Doubtful Sound, maybe visit the Glow Worm Caves in Te Anau) Then fly to Auckland on the 21.03. in the morning, and back home in the evening. How much, do you think, will I have to spend on food and beverages, if I mostly cook for myself, using the gas cooker?
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From that post it seems like you would be very well suited to the Kepler. You seem like you keep yourself in decent shape and have decent gear. Be aware though. If you plan to hike the Kepler the huts will all full up soon. This is fine because you can still camp along the track. However, if you do choose to camp the second day of your hike is quite long. That day is certainly spectacular but can be very tiring. This shows the availability for the Kepler ( Still plenty of spots left in February at this stage.
you cant camp along a great walk track , its banned, DOC are clamping down on it. no camping within 500m of the track allowed except at designated campsites, there are only two campsites on the kepler
this was on the kepler in summer
I stumbled on this Feb 2015 photo while researching the Kepler last year:
@Wayno - I'm unsure if you understood my post. I mentioned the long second day specifically because those are where the campsites are.
be careful of wording "camping along the track" can be interpreted as camp anywhere along the track, and thats what a lot of people are trying to do on the great walks now. if you don't mention that camping can only be done at designated campsites, and its a problem that happens on the great walks. the more the great walks get mentioned the more over subscribed they get every year, 30,000 people tried booking the routeburn over the peak summer season, the main huts are now booked out over december and january, that never used to happen anywhere near this early in the year... even a few years ago you could book a place a few weeks in advance. massive no's of people are searching the internet for information on the great walks, i have pictures online for the great walks, the stats for my webpage tell me they have been seen a hundred thousand times. if you don't post accurate information you are potentially misinforming a large no of people who will make mis informed decisions. tracks like some of the great walks arent even possibly to be completed every day of the year, including in mid summer, i had 140k winds and heavy snow on the kepler track one time in summer, the forest track was a steeple chase from all the wind fall, the veteran hut warden slept on the floor away from the windows he was so convinced they would blow in. i watched the hut wall move in and out... i've had 30mm of rain in a day more than once, be prepared and be prepared to turn back
Don`t worry, I didn`t intend to camp out in the wild.I will only stay at campsites.
thanks Gizmo, great to hear unfortunately not everyone has your positive attitude to respecting NZ rules in the outdoors.
Hi everybody and welcome @Gizmo, Can I please ask that we refrain from name calling. The internet amplifies everything, and a comment made in jest escalates into something hurtful. @madpom, thanks for your comment on the community values. That was an oversight on my part actually. I'll start a thread on it. Thanks, Matthew
Hey Gizmo, thanks for sharing your experiences. You sound like you'll be as fit or fitter then most people on the Great Walks so you'll be fine.
31–40 of 48

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Gizmo
On 22 August 2016
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