6 Part Ed Hillary drama on TV1 & OnDemand

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I've not seen anyone mention it yet, but last night (Sunday) TV1 began screening a 6 part drama chronicling the life of Ed Hillary. The first episode has already screened, but it's available OnDemand at https://www.tvnz.co.nz/ondemand/hillary I've been busy, and so far I've only watched the first minute, so cannot really comment.
My family enjoyed it. A good drama, gave a good sense of a time in New Zealand now long gone. It finished with him poised to go to Nepal.
Yeah, it was enjoyable but there's always that element of compromise 'what to leave in, what to leave out' with these life stories/dramas. I thought leaving out his army camp weekend pass mission to climb Mt Tapuae-o-Uenuku was a bit of a missed opportunity to build on his character.
I agree @Strider. Was surprised to see Tapi missed out (and I was particularly looking forward to it as that is my old stomping ground). Overall the first episode was a decent enough watch if nothing ground breaking.
It's a lot of ground to cover with all that he did and went through. Somethings got to give.. it's supposed to focus on most of his life. Notjustclimbing. One of the first crossings or intrepid n.z. programs did the tapy climb...
I must admit I did find it a little strange the tapi story was not covered.
First Crossings did cover the climb in an episode. However, I would feel that would give more credence to including it in his life story rather than less. I'm probably look at it through Marlborough-tinted glasses though!
Tapy probably wouldnt mean much to most NZers,
Same with bee keeping, but it did to sir Ed.
probably cheaper getting a film crew around mt cook park with the helicopters based there, than getting a film crew on to tapy, plus the scenery is a bit more striking.
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