6 Part Ed Hillary drama on TV1 & OnDemand

I've not seen anyone mention it yet, but last night (Sunday) TV1 began screening a 6 part drama chronicling the life of Ed Hillary. The first episode has already screened, but it's available OnDemand at https://www.tvnz.co.nz/ondemand/hillary I've been busy, and so far I've only watched the first minute, so cannot really comment.
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Is anyone recording this? I don't have tv (I have A tv, but not tv programming), but would really like to see this, and would greatly appreciate if someone were able to record it for me. Thanks in advance.
@kreig if you look at the first post it gives an internet link to viewing the program on the internet.
Unfortunately as usual the only thing that plays on the ondemand site is their ads. (I'm on Linux, using Chrome). Their Android app won't install on two different phones, apparently "not compatible with this device". Great taxpayer funded service.
also doesnt play outside of NZ, works fine on a chromebook.. maybe it will come out on DVD.
Just make all taxpayer funded content freely available on NZ netflix I would say. At least that plays really everywhere.
netflix and all the other options eg neon lightbox etc are a pay service you have to subscribe to and use your internet bandwidth for. They dont have an option to play free content as you have to subscribe to watch anything. Nice idea though
I finally had a chance to watch ep 1 this evening. I'll watch more, but I hope future episodes settle a little and don't keep jumping rapidly through time so frequently. I came away thinking they'd tried to cram a bit too much stuff into too little time. eg. Was it necessary to jump several years to show a couple of minutes of him falling on a fuel tank just so it could jump several more years and see Lowe asking him about his back? Possibly because of that I also thought it was lacking some depth somehow. It's portraying Sir Ed as someone who's automatically brilliant and to be idolised purely because of some kind of blind patriotism, but not really giving the audience the chance to figure that out for themselves. (At least, I thought all that stuff was just being forced on me.) Maybe that's the budget that was available. I'm not totally sure about how they're structuring the story yet but the rest of the production looks fab, and is very watchable. Roll on to episode 2.
its always a problem when you're portraying someones entire life, especially as Ed did an incredible amount with his life. you can end up not getting very in depth into much of it before you move on to the next phase of his life. often though in a series the first episode will skim through their younger years quickly to give an idea of the overall upbringing and experiences that set the stage for the future, hopefully the series gets its teeth into some key parts of sir eds life. it completely missed him cutting his teeth on several trips in the southern marlborough mountains and made it look like mt cook park was the only place where he cut his teeth.
@izogi I had the same impression. It jumped around quite a bit and I have a sneaky feeling that as they try to apply dramatic licence they're going to make a mess of it. Good for people who don't know how to read books though ;)
Yeah. The RadioNZ reviewer (Lara Strongman) may as well have thought it was the most awesome thing NZ television had ever produced [ http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/ninetonoon/audio/201813554/viewing-with-lara-strongman ], and so I was looking forward to seeing it, but on reflection the first episode didn't really do it for me. It was trying to cram two radically different stories (family/pacifism issues, development of interest in climbing), spaced over a long period of history, into a very short amount of episode time. Characters had little or no introduction, many of them were gone as immediately as they appeared, and some of the events covered were interesting but just didn't seem so important in the big scheme. Ah well. We'll see how it pans out.
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