legal land access issues

Access to Taranaki's iconic Whitecliffs walkway on shaky ground
21–24 of 24

"And every hunter, they might fear, is a potential poacher." Not to suggest that it justifies the approach, but is it a reasonable fear?
using that logic. everyone is capable of committing a crime, simply because they are there. Theft? rustling, etc etc its rubbish
If I was a landowner with an easement over my land like this I would be uneasy about unknown people with firearms using it. Remember the easement would still be my land so what happens on it could be my responsibility. Doc needs to sit down and come up with a workable solution. It might be that the easemen doesnt specify no firearms but the permits do specify no egress on easements. If thats the case explaining the permit process might be enough. I dont hunt so dont know the fine print
The Department of Conservation ignored a Southland Conservation Board recommendation to allow aeroplanes to land on a remote Stewart Island airstrip.
21–24 of 24

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Forum The campfire
Started by waynowski
On 24 July 2016
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