Tararua advice?

Hey all I was wondering if anyone could help me out, I was looking at maybe heading to the tararuas this weekend from Dannevirke and was more likely then not gonna look at heading in from putara rd and I was hoping someone might have an idea were I should aim for? I have never been into the tararuas before and was just looking at a day trip so far, prob either roaring stag or herepai look like the best bets at the moment. If anyone has a good idea as to which way I should go in I would be very happy for any advice, would rather try to keep the driving to 2 hours or less one way due to only being a day trip. Cheers Jono
Also is it worthwhile dropping down to roaring stag then hopping back up to herepai then back to the road end?
If you go the Roaring Stag way, you'll get to the Ruamahanga River, which isn't bad. If it's a nice day I'd tend towards Herepai. Within about 30-60 minutes past Herepai you can get up towards the tops and start to see things. (From Roaring Stag you'd probably have to get up to Cattle Ridge, which isn't so nice.)

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Forum The campfire
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On 6 April 2010
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