Yeti & Bigfoot

:warning: [Deleted]
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This thread was closed by matthew.
"If everyone started believing things that don't coincide wife life here on earth then I think we would have ceased to exist a very long time ago" Isn't that statement contrary to most of human history?
1 deleted post from [Deleted]
Oh, okay. Which steps of analytical reasoning did you go through to reach the conclusion that we'd have ceased to exist if most people's lives revolved around religion?
2 deleted posts from [Deleted]
Science is to ask the question then try and prove it is so Religion is to ask the question and accept that it must be true Not everything can be explained by either science or religion and in both cases every question answered reveals a new question. I could quote questions that neither can answer but it would detract from the tramping
6 deleted posts from [Deleted], [Deleted]
I am closing off this thread as it is irrelevant, pointless, and has devolved into one person debating with himself via a fake account, which I have deleted.

This thread was closed by matthew .

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