Yeti & Bigfoot

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This is rich coming from a guy who started a thread about ghosts. Maybe you should go to Nepal and see how you feel then. I don't believe in them but this is a part of Sherpa culture and I'm not one to judge a culture or even think I understand their spiritual and metaphysical beliefs.
7 deleted posts from [Deleted], Gaiters
The wilderness area in North America is enormous, and many hikers make a lot of noise when they are walking to scare off any bears. So a extremely shy, intelligent animal might be able to escape detection, especially at a low population density. Chances are both are fake.
1 deleted post from [Deleted]
Does anybody here have an opinion on extra dimensions. Or if there is any chance of consciousness manifest in physical forms in light frequencies that we can't perceive with our eyes. What about cultures creating myths to help to protect itself from certain environments that historically have posed great risk to that culture For instances do you think that ghosts, yeti etc are the mind manifesting fears to help protect us from situations that are potentially hazardous to us as a species. That they are symbolical forms that a represented all over the world in many different ways from a primal response to survival. Or do places that pose serious life threatening possibilities to us manifest as ghosts and demons in our mind to keep us from entering these places. A metaphysical keep out sign.
If extra dimensions exists I do not see how we could comprehend them. I feel lucid dreaming explains many ghost encounters, combined with our fear of the dark.
1 deleted post from [Deleted]
There is a fascinating phenonomen where humans will translate stimuli into human forms and voices e.g. a whistling sound heard through a keyhole caused by the wind will be interpreted as whispering, flocks of geese and babbling brooks will sound like human conversation. Sometimes when I first wake in the dark I will see a face but this is shadows and light which my brain interprets as a face. I wish I'd known this when I was a kid...
1 deleted post from [Deleted]
Honora, the words you hear from a bubbling brook is that of the water spirits. Close relatives of gnomes or forest spirits. Secretive, magical little creatures. They have no need to interact with us, so just keep to themselves.
I have a scientific background and can be very analytical. IMO a true scientist is someone who questions and is open to new ideas and discoveries and is NOT closed off to the unknown. Imagine trying to explain electricity to someone 300 years ago - they would have considered you nuts! About 25 years ago I shifted into a space of being open to new ideas, thoughts etc. Since then I have been in several situations where my logical brain cannot come up with explanations of what happened no matter which way I look at it. Some people around me at those times could see that something weird was going on and would later confirm some of the things that happened from their own observations. I long ago stopped trying to analyze, explain or decipher these phenomena (as, no doubt some of you are doing right now! lol ) and have just accepted that there are some things that I cannot explain, and science has not yet 'discovered'. I have reached a point of just accepting 'what is', in every moment, no matter how weird! lol (After first checking if it is just a possum! lol ) I have a pair of friends, brothers, who grew up in a house where doors opened, doors locked themselves, lights turned on and off, things disappeared and then turned up in weird places like the middle of a bar of soap, etc. For them it was just normal. And my brother (a scientist and computer geek) has always been able to state that so-and-so is about to phone us, just a few seconds before the phone rings and it is so-and-so. Science does NOT know everything and those exploring quantum physics etc. are finding explanations for some of this weird stuff. A good book on this is 'The Holographic Universe' by Michael Talbot, although probably a bit out of date now. I had a brother-in-law who's religion was skepticism. I prefer to keep an open mind rather than shutting off the adventure of the unknown.
i tend to think there would be more conclusive proof by now that they exist if they did exist, Ed HIllary went looking for the yeti, they had pieces of anatomy examined that were supposed to be from yeti's and they were all identified as parts of known animals. big footprints were the footprints of small animals that had melted into bigger footprints... animals as big as that wouldnt be so hidden from the modern world. there are so many places now where there are cameras setup remotely to automatically shoot when there is motion in front of them, sooner or later one of these mystery animals would turn up on one... they have discovered other species of animals that were thought to be extinct or discovered them in places where they they no longer thought they existed, but no yeti or bigfoot..
Ha, thanks for the memory Wayno. When I was about 16 I was taken by an older friend to a lecture by Sir Ed, at Auckland Uni. I think, about the trip he had just got back from in quest of the yeti. Had a profound effect on me (Sir Ed. and the lecture, that is). Probably helped ignite my love of the mountains and the unknown!
I was in a job recently, right from when i started I became somewhat fatalistic about remaining in the job without any adequate reason to be. normally I"m optimistic in a new job, my previous jobs i've never felt so negative from the start. after a month sure enough i was kicked out the door, things went from bad to worse that were beyond my control and the initial feelings i had were reinforced, the employers would make reassuring noises, but my gut, without direct evidence just said, no, this is going to end shortly.....

This thread was closed by matthew .

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