Shorts all year round

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Personal preference I guess
Yeah I'm the same. It's shorts all year round. It's a bit of a kiwi thing too. I've been tramping a few places around the world and when every you bump into someone on the trail in shorts nine times out of ten its a kiwi, lol
1 deleted post from [Deleted]
I like to let them breath. Pants are too restrictive. I don't really get cold legs, in a gale on the tops in winter I may put on some longjohns, but thats about it.
1 deleted post from [Deleted]
Never worn pants tramping - sun, rain, hail or snow. I find by the time you have gaiters up near your knees and shorts down to mid thigh there just isn't a lot of bare skin anyway.
Pants are good, get lightweight quick drying ones. They provide a lot of protection. Remember one trip scrub brushing anyone wearing shorts had bleeding, scratched legs. Mine was fine protected by a thin layer of nylon. Also help keep the Sandflies away. I now never wear shorts while tramping.
2 deleted posts from [Deleted], militaris
softshell pants arent as bad,, they tend to breathe better i find than normal nylon pants
1 deleted post from [Deleted]
I always cover my legs too. I never wear shorts. Walking through ice-covered prickly shield fern converted me totally. I wear nylon trousers and am glad I don't need to put sandfly repellant on my legs.
Shorts all year for me too, although by the time a slip into my gaiters it's only my knees showing. Can be a bit nasty in snow that's weakened underneath (ie doesn't hold your weight) but has a nice crust on top, have lost plenty of blood in conditions like that!
Normally shorts and gaiters for me. Sometimes long johns under the shorts if it's cold and exposed, but they're a bit inconvenient to get on and off. Occasionally I'll chuck overtrowsers on over shorts (and long johns if I'm wearing them) as a quick fix for something resembling a blizzard or icy rain if it gets uncomfortable.
The UV is much to damaging to wear shorts over summer, and I have no desire to carry even more sunscreen with me. The only time I wear shorts in New Zealand is when running, and that is normally in the evening. Unless it is very humid, like the tropics, long pants are probably a bit cooler then shorts because they shade the legs from the direct sun.
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