The feeling of "lonliness" when solo tramping

I almost never tramp on my own but I'm sure I would feel like you do if I did. Sometimes I wonder how the cat's getting on though most of the time I never give her a thought. I am a dreadful ruminater when I tramp though and yes, it's annoying and interrupting that connection with the present (being in the moment or mindful) but it's also quite tiring. Rumination is even stronger when I do track work as it can be quite repetitive and mechanical. I think if one was totally engaged because the tramping was very challenging e.g. route-finding and then tied with tasks in the evening to meet one's needs, one might not feel so lonely.
21–30 of 32

Also, I did once end up trapped in a hut due to angry possums outside and I was too scared to properly confront them and ended up having to pee in a bucket inside. (I cleaned it VERY well, and later noticed someone had written 'piss bucket' on the side - so maybe I wasn't the first.)
1 deleted post from [Deleted]
i think that video is staged.. as soon as they get to the gate the guy comes out straight away, in front of where the camera is pointing,, already with a weapon in hand and balaclava on...
1 deleted post from [Deleted]
It's also been uploaded by someone with no Youtube history, and is straight-out being promoted by a website which specialises in making money by trying to make material that'll go viral in social media. Not unlike that drone shooting video, also allegedly in the Tararuas. Please verify stuff before loosely blaming entire ethnic groups.
I thought it seemed staged too waynowski. There's a discussion on the NZ subreddit here:
1 deleted post from [Deleted]
Yes. I read what you said.
1 deleted post from [Deleted]
"Oh, thats probably a maori that claims that land is his or something - they get like that over white people "invading" their land. If your worried just check with DOC that where you are going is not public land. If I was the driver, I would have reversed and run him over and claimed self defense" I've flagged the above post for Matthew to decide on.
2 deleted posts from [Deleted]
Sorry Keil, I didn't see your question till now because you edited an earlier post, and I normally look at the overview of everything, so only saw your latest post, which was posted before your edit. The reason for referring it to Matthew is that the way I read your post, my view is it break's at least one the forum rules listed here Therefore I flagged it for Matthew to assess, and he can make a decision on if the post breaks any of the rules.
1 deleted post from [Deleted]
Last year we got into a situation where Frank had to reverse down a straight road while being pursued by a running, angry man. We then got chased by their car but Frank figured we could outdrive them. This was in a very heavy fog which is how the whole thing developed. We outdrove them down a side road and then Frank drove 140 km/h in the thickest fog I'd seen. He said the road was dead straight until Aylesbury so we'd be OK. Very scary situation and quite unnecessary. Too much testosterone on both sides. They were driving up our backsides really close with their lights on full and Frank pulled over and slammed on our brakes. Then we followed them and he gave them the same treatment. They slammed on their brakes but this was in the middle of the lane. So we had to stop and then what seemed to be an enormous gorilla emerged from the 4WD pick up and ran towards may have been the mist but he looked huge (yeti?).
@Honora Hey your tramping trips sound like fun!
Well, the main thing is that I don't get bored I suppose...
21–30 of 32

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Forum The campfire
Started by Honora
On 13 May 2016
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