Personal survival kit

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Ever since I had a cold night sleeping on a track (separated from my pack and my torch failed) I have been carrying some items in my clothing. Usually a minimum of a Mylar blanket, mini survival kit (AMK pocket survival pak) and a glow-stick (which I'm looking to replace with a Photo micro torch and an extra set of batteries). I'm now moving it away from my pockets (which tend to get weighed down/stuff damaged or lost) to my waist bag. Unlike a day pack or jacket, the waist bag rarely gets taken off (usually only when bathing/sleeping) Currently its an old Fairydown waist bag that's got a hidden pocket in the back, that I can accommodate up to half the volume (so about 2 packets of two-minute noodles worth). The above items take just over one noodle packets worth of space. Normally I would carry a pocket knife, snacks and other handbag sundry in the front that I want ready access to. The stuff in the back will rarely get used and I'm considering making it shrink wrapped to reduce the overall volume. AMK survival kit contains items like whistle, compass, cord/string, fire starter, signalling mirror etc. You can see the full inventory here; I've squeezed in a surgical scalpel blade and a Leatherman Micra multi-tool (with scissors/tweezers etc) First aid kit is basically consisting of plasters, tablets and some antiseptic sachets in a small zip-lock bag Some other items I am considering; - extra first aid in form of a small elastic bandage and dressing pad. - disposable poncho. Handy if there is downpours when you don't have your rain jacket or keeping you drier if you have to sleep in the rain. It's about the size of the survival kit but weights nothing. I currently carry it in my day-bag (picked it up when visiting a theme park last year) - water bag. Either a larger zip-lock or Mylar bag with some water purification tablets. Can also use the zip-lock to further waterproof the items I am already carrying. - 550 para-cord, This is a lot stronger than the cord in the survival pack and I could braid it on the strap of the waist bag if it doesn’t fit in the pocket. - glucose lollies for an energy boost. Anyone has some good suggestions what I am missing or what doesn't work from the above list/considerations ?
i avoid getting seperated from my pack in the first place. i'd only have a bag with anything else in it if i knew i was going to be seperated from my bag for some time. having enough clothes, a couple of known working headlamps, small first aid kit or tape, snacks and water is about the only thing i worry about.
Can I ask how you became separated from your pack?
If i go off from where my pack is I always take a small pack with me with all the usual required stuff in it (1st essential - PLB). I used to carry a super-lightweight one which folded up to a tiny size but now, having bought an Aarn pack i just detach the pockets, attach the set of straps and off i go. I'm VERY meticulous about this if I am on my own and off a major track. I'm often fishing in these situations and will always have that little backpack with me. Once had a huge boulder roll under my feet which scared the hell out of me. Fortunately I had my Leatherman with its saw with me, but would I have had the guts to do it??????
Yep my PLB is either in the front pocket of my Aarn back or strapped around my waist. Oh, yea you'd never know unless you had too. The movie "127 Hours" comes to mind..... :(
I escorted an injured tramper out of the bush, so left my pack behind. She was a bit slower that I anticipated, making my return journey much later in the afternoon. It wasn't a drama (as it should have been a 90 min walk/much shorter run) until I ran into a possum on a narrow corner, during the return, and smashed my torch. It was simply too dark (new moon and overcast) to make out the track so ended up giving up and waiting until I could make out the terrain (which there were frequent large ditches and some sheer drops) Turned out I was a only few hundred metres from an intersection where the bush opened up and I could have reclaimed my pack, but I was only feeling a few metres a minute and wasn't sure where I was in the track. I do/did carry a day pack with me, but I'm finding I can carry most stuff I need in my waist bag (drink bottle holder on there) and fleece/jacket wrapped around my waist, if the weather doesn't look dodgy. It was late summer but it was one of those nights where it was really chilly so I ended up curling up tightly in my jacket. If I had the glowlight, then I would have carried on. If I got lost then that's another story and the other gear would kick in. A PSK is not just a good addition to your gear, some of the stuff is pretty cool :-)
I'm gonna shop for a PLB, but I'm not intending to use it unless I really need it (injured or hanging halfway down a cliff). A night in the bush isn't the end of the world and I would use it as an experience. Those Aarn packs look nifty ... will have to take a good look over them next time I'm browsing.
torch? most people are using headlamps now... I carry a couple of headlamps since some are so small and light, it covers me if one fails. LED lighting devices are far more reliable than anything with a conventional bulb
The Photon has a clip that you attach to your cap/shirt that works well. It's also a secondary/reserve light for me ... will be getting a single AA torch, like a Fenix, as a primary light. You can get a diffuser cap that it becomes a passable lantern. I got a couple older head torches and never liked them, unless I was going to the dunny at night. One of them got a dodgy switch that randomly switched off and you have to toggle it, so bulbs are not necessarily the only issue.
those photons come off and get lost easily, ultralight gram counters go for them simply for weight saving. with a head torch, leave it on your head or round your neck. i've never had reliablity issues with head torches, theres plenty of options out there. dont throw the baby out with the bath water
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