Broken River Hut

Hey has anybody walked up the river from Cave Stream? The riverbed is public land, then reserve starts on the south bank of Broken River at Emu Stream. It looks doable although it might be super-tedious. It's only about 8km though. I was also looking at Prebble Hill in the area. That's public land and might be a nice day walk.
Do you mean from Cave Stream downstream to Broken River Hut, not all the way. Just to the junction to the Porter River and then we turned west to explore another impressive gorge upstream. It's been on my list to explore downstream as far as possible, fascinating geology so unlikely to be tedious at all. Quite the opposite. We went during an Indian Summer some years ago and the day was hot, we kept jumping into these wonderful swimming holes along the way to cool down. Great limestone cliffs and canyons… I think you'll like it :-)
Cool. I think it's worth a shot!
My guidebook says it's doable in average flows, and quite fun.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by matthew
On 22 September 2015
Replies 3
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