2 Person tents

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We need to upgrade from a one man tent that 2 of us squeeze into if need be, to a 2 man tent for some of the bigger and more remote trips. Does anyone have any advice and/or experience with light, 2 man tents that are generally four-season tents that would withstand rain, snow, wind etc?
I been eyeing the One Planet Goondie 2 recently. Fairly good specs for its weight and overall toughness. http://www.oneplanet.com.au/goondie-2/goondie-2-30d.html I personally have a Macpac Minaret for winter trips, but the Goondie offers more space for less weight. http://www.macpac.co.nz/equipment/tents/trekking-hiking-tents/minaret-tent.html
I have a Macpac Olympus for 2 person Winter stuff - it's not exactly light but it's built like a brick outhouse and will take a real hammering.
have a search on the aussie bushwalk.com forum the aussies debate tents ad nauseum there, anything to to with a tent in Tasmania, their weather is the same as in NZ... someone wanting a lightweight tent for there asked a similar question and was given a few options... not many huts there so they debate tents a lot.... http://bushwalk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=19734&p=271425&hilit=tent+tasmania#p262254
A mate of mine has a Tarptent Scarp 2 - well worth a look (and lots of other lightweight options) http://www.tarptent.com/scarp2.html I have a Scarp 1 which is the same design, but 1-person, and I'm happy with it. I also have a Wilderness Equipment 1st Arrow - excellent 5-season tent and the new version is a lot lighter (2.4kg ?) than mine at 3.5kg.
@Bernieq: is the Tarptent Scarp 2 a light, 2 man (sic) tent that is generally a four-season tent that would withstand rain, snow, wind etc? If it is, I'm interested because it is awesomely light! Not sure if the Olympus can be described as light (3.1kg). I used to own one and count my blessings that it got lost so we moved to much lighter, albeit no longer 4 season tentage. That Wilderness Equipment tent sounds as though it is ticking the boxes and the Minaret weights 2.5kg. When the toe end was a lower profile, you could point it into the wind but with it now being symmetric, it has lost that advantage.
Here is a review on the Scarp 2. http://www.backpackinglight.com/cgi-bin/backpackinglight/tarptent_scarp2_tent.html?mb_sort=desc#.VcHOadCsfYw My experience with ultra light tents is that in most cases they are only suitable for sheltered camping areas. My mates ultra light tent (Big Agnes) all but got flatten by a typical norwester while my MSR Hubba stood strong.
@honara correct, the Olympus is a whale, but I wouldn't trust my lighter gear in strong winds or snow. Lesson learned the hard way....!
@ Honara I've got Scarp 1, and if you buy the two extra crossspoles it's supposedly 4 season (never tried it out in those conditions). If you contact Henry Shires, Tarptent's owner/operator, he will happily talk you through everything his various tents are and aren't good for. And he will happily discuss modified design options too. Stand-up guy. And yea, the weight/dependability ratio of those tents is epic.
Honora, the Scarp is light weight but (ime) quite satisfactory in a rain/wind environment. For snow, I'd add the cross poles to carry the weight of snow on the tent. There are a couple of things that could be approved. The floor is devilishly slippery - needs a few stripes of silastic across the floor. The two entrances open to the same end - would be better to have one open the opposite of the other. Internal storage pockets are tiny - would be better if tripled in size (I've sewn in an extra pocket) You can direct any questions (function, pricing, availability etc) to Franco through bushwalk.com - he's very responsive. All that said, my WE 1st Arrow is what I'd take for a longish trip in Tassie or NZ - it's big inside - once, we were laid up for 36 hrs, 2 of us cooked in the vestibule safely and easily, even with packs etc stored in there as well. The downside, of course, is the weight. BTW, true, tunnels can be pointed into the wind - all good, until the wind direction changes :) Militaris, I have a Hubba Hubba as well as my Scarp and I've had both in high wind - the Scarp was much better (the HH was shuddering and flexing alarmingly with a fair bit of spray blowing up under the fly - not so the Scarp).
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