Aarn Packs

I need a new pack (Hip belt on the old one is stuffed, and it was never a brilliant pack anyway), so Im currently weighing up my options. Im intrigued by the concept of the aarn range of packs with the front pockets and certianly the science seems sound, and I can see the benefit in gear accessibility. I first heard of them a year or so ago and thought they seemed pretty gimmicky, but now I'm beginning to think otherwise. All the reviews I can find seem overwhelmingly positive. Does anyone have experience with these and would you reccomend them or not? Also, Any negative points in particular would be of interest to me. Cheers
11–20 of 61

I'm another Aarn pack aficionado - bought a Natural Balance in 2009 - no complaints and lots of praise. It's been on 50+ trips, over 2500 km, in Oz and NZ, on track and serious off-track scrub - it's handled it well. It is showing the wear but still fully functional. It is different to a traditional pack and took me a few walks to get really comfortable with it. However, the theory is sound and the implementation good. I realised the Aarn was working well when, stopping for a short break on a group walk, everyone threw their (traditional) packs on the ground, gasping after a long climb - I just stood there (pack on) wondering what all the fuss was about. I also know a few people whose tramping career has been extended by switching to Aarn - one friend needed a physio after every tramp, changed to an Aarn and gave the physio the flick (she's a short 60+ Scott - tough as ... ) I sewed up a basic linen bag for transporting it (eg planes)
@bernieq "I sewed up a basic linen bag for transporting it (eg planes)" That's a good idea. Simple and effective.
I was looking in to this just last week. I thought I had read somewhere that you could use the Expedition front bags on any pack so headed in to LivingSimply in Auckland. I was wrong and soon figured out why, as the front packs are supported by the waist harness on the Aarn backpacks. They said it would be possible to jimmy up but not recommended. Apparently Aarn is working on a line of front pockets that will work with any backpack, but after having a great chat with the guy there (forget his name, he was an Aarn user and enthusiast) I can understand how they will be a compromise without an Aarn backpack. I'm 28 years young and don't have any problems with a backpack, but I'm all for questioning the status-quo and really like the idea of the bodypack system and would never complain about feeling like my load was lighter. I've scoured the internet for reviews and the biggest complains I've been are aesthetics/looks/chuckles from some uneducated track partners, but that is usually ended a day of two into a walk at which point others are wanting to try it on because the wearer isn't as fatigued as the others. And some people mentioning that it is complex, and I get that. I tried it on in the store and spent 2-3 minutes setting it up for a test wear in-store and could tell it would take much longer to understand it's full capabilities. But I'm a tech-y sort of guy and enjoy learning how things work, and once it's set up you wouldn't need to go changing it so not turn-off for me. It seems like these would be wildly more popular if they were being distributed by some major brand and outdoor retailers understood and were prepared to help customers understand the product. Unfortunately it's the kind of product I don't think you can really understand unless you use it yourself. But they are spreading quickly by word of mouth. I am really attracted to the idea of a person (fellow Kiwi makes it better) just looking at the current way things are done and asking some fundamental questions of the accepted conventional wisdom and coming back with something radically different from a very functional point of view. Just think of any strange looks on the trail as an ice breaker/talking point :) I've only currently got a 36L pack so seriously considering one of these in the near future for a bigger/multi day pack.
@Size12: "Noticed that they have a solid sounding tester program but it seems thats only if you dont live near a stockist. Unfortunately I live nearish to one, and thus am not really eligible, but I dont think trying a pack instore would give a real idea of it vs lobbing in a typical 2 day load and going for an overnight. Ah well." No asky no getsy, and the worst that can really happen is they'll say no. Every time I've contacted Aarn I've had a positive and enthusiastic response, keen on feedback for future generations of their products and keen to help people select from their range. Whatever's on the website, they already have a tester programme with the systems in place for mailing stuff around and getting it back. If they have a spare pack lying around then I'd not be surprised if they're perfectly happy to mail it to you under some arrangement so you can try it out on your own terms.
Ill have to flick an email to aarn. Have to figure out when my next trip is, I think its up pirongia so that would make for a good test run. Full overnight load. Going with a fairly relaxed group, so wont be trying to go super fast. I might look at a guiding light perhaps. 65l main pack means I can get all my typical load in there, but with balance pockets would give option to take advantage of them and leave some of the main pocket unloaded, as well as giving extra capacity for longer trips that I lack at the moment.
Shh...Aarn is an Aussie!
@Honora - Pavlova is ours, Marmite is ours, and so is Aarn :P
Next you will be claiming buzzy bee and Pharlap
The same as Oz is merely the fourth Island of New Zealand.
Anyone with one of the twin compartment aarn packs find having two compartments instead of one annoying?
11–20 of 61

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On 2 August 2015
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