Pockets on tramping shirts.

While not the biggest problem with regards to tramping gear, but something I have found quite annoying is that for the last decade or so, the chest pockets on all tramping shirts and jackets have been made vertical. Does anyone know why the clothing manufacturers are in love with vertical chest pockets?, I find them much less user friendly then horizontal chest pockets. Harder to store things inside, and it is much easier for object to fall out of a vertical pocket unless fully zipped. Is it a case of style over functionality, or is there some great benefit to the vertical zips which I have been overlooking.
You can open a vertical zip without having to go under pack straps. It gives you increased access to longer pockets. They look sexy.
I dont mind vertical chest pockets, what does annoy me is vertical zip entries to side pockets on jackets. The amount of times my phone has nearly fallen out of the pocket when trying to zip it up is phenomenal.
Assuming the zip has no facing… Better leverage to open a waterproof zip with one hand which is usually harder to open than standard kinds? Less likely for water to 'pool' in the teeth? Out of the way of sternum/shoulder straps? Vertical zips are not always placed practically for us women. And I'm not a fan of zips that you 'park' under a small facing as most of the time the fabric puckers under the zipper slider. Neither am I keen on slider toggles that are too short to grab with thick gloves on. Grrr.
I've been known to augment my zip toggles in various ways. I keep my little magpie eyes out for stuff on the ground and in huts when I sweep up. Got lots of little bits of useful crap lying around the house this way...

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Forum Gear talk
Started by militaris
On 1 August 2015
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