Grisport Kaikoura Boots

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Wow. these boots are awesome. Shopped around, tried on quite a few various brands and these were by far the best boots for my needs within the price range. Okay, so unlike some of the earlier models, these offer support by the truck load, the sole is nice and stiff, really nice leather, made in Italy like all the other high end boots. very good quality. They did not take long to break in, and they are very comfortable on longer hikes. After reading reviews on earlier Grisport models (after I bought mine) I was quite surprised. Looks like they have improved their newer line. Anyone else had any experiences with the Kaikoura boot?
first post pushing a product ?
I was actually somewhat disappointed to see so many negative opinions on the brand, Based on my experience, I thought this was unfair, and I wanted to share my positive experience with the world.
they only just joined the group and that's their first post... time will tell..
Yes I joined to post my opinion, because if I had read the forums before making a purchase, I probably would not have gone for the boots I did, based on people's opinion of the brand. And that's a shame, because the model that I bought is excellent. So for those people looking at the same product that I bought, Yes I thoroughly recommend them. I cannot speak for any of the other Grisport products, because I have not owned them, All I can say is that after looking at various models and brands, the ones I got particularly stood out to me, and so far they're awesome. And yes, it was my first post, but I have gotten a lot of valuable information from these forums in the past, that's why I posed here, I like the forums.
Grisport is a brand that has been around for a while and has a good reputation in everyday footwear. I doubt they would risk there reputation spamming a group like this. Im going to suggest a valid first post but none the less its never a good look to have a first post that reads like an ad A write up on one of your trips in these boots might help
It actually did not occur to me that my post sounded like an advert, I actually don't have anything bad to say about them, I mean I guess they could be more aesthetically pleasing, but that doesn't really bother me with hiking boots. And also, you'd expect a Grisport employee to have a better display name than krum, from real monsters. Anyway, last trip I did was nothing to write home about, the workman's track down the Kaiaua end of the Hunuas. If I was going to write a review on my Soto Windmaster cooker that I've had for two years, I don't think that I could say a bad thing about that either. That's another excellent piece of gear. I just really wanted to let other people know who might be looking at getting boots that I got, that yeah, they are good, and I was keen to know if anyone else has the Kaikouras too, and what their experiences are. And I know personally, I do take on board what the majority of people think, and it definitely would have influenced my decision to buy them, had I read the reviews on the older models. So I'm happy I didn't read them, and did end up buying the ones I did. That's what really sparked me to give my opinion. I'm just sticking up for my boots here. And I assumed that's what the "gear" section of the forums would be for.
How many days have you worn them for? My experience of Gri Sports (not Kaikouras) was that they were comfortable boots but had piss poor durability. I know of a couple of other highly experienced outdoors people that have had similar experience of this brand of boots. They do seem to put a lot of effort in to advertising, I just wish they'd concentrate on making better boots. IMO they need to be a little stiffer in the sole and a lot more durable.
I haven't had them that long, maybe ten days actual use so far. I was actually after a boot with a stiffer sole, one of the reasons I went with these. I didn't try on any of the other boots from this brand, as their other offerings were all lower cut, so I can't comment on those. I guess time will tell how durable these ones are, but they seemed pretty well made when I was comparing them. I've been taking my fully loaded pack out lately even on day walks to increase my fitness level, and I really needed boots that were more supportive, hence my purchase. The soles were pretty rigid when I bought them, and they're still pretty rigid now. I normally get about 2 years out of a good pair of boots, so I guess we'll see, aye.
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