Grisport Kaikoura Boots

Wow. these boots are awesome. Shopped around, tried on quite a few various brands and these were by far the best boots for my needs within the price range. Okay, so unlike some of the earlier models, these offer support by the truck load, the sole is nice and stiff, really nice leather, made in Italy like all the other high end boots. very good quality. They did not take long to break in, and they are very comfortable on longer hikes. After reading reviews on earlier Grisport models (after I bought mine) I was quite surprised. Looks like they have improved their newer line. Anyone else had any experiences with the Kaikoura boot?
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If so it's good to hear that Grisport have brought out a stiffer soled boot. Their range seemed to consist of things with the rigidity of a pair of slippers when I looked! As a reference, I bought the Mohaka - only got it because my old boots died near Taupo and this was the only boot I could find there that fitted an looked sturdy. It 'lasted' 1 trip from Taupo to Wellington and had pretty much fallen apart - seams split and lining in tatters by the time it got to Wellington. Under 30 days of use. I've hunter mates who really rate Grisport - I guess they love the flexibility when stalking, and they're NI bush hunters so don't need the rigidity to toe-in or sidle. Horses for courses, I guess.
A quick look through other revues seems to suggest these boots are ok. Maybe its just that in Wellington at least Grisport were sold by shoe shops and department stores and they would only of got the models that their customers would buy (ie footpath walkers) which were not even close to the abuse we give gear. Hunting and Fishing now carry them so they might be worth a closer look at some point. My previous 2 boots came from Hunting and Fishing. Brand was Vasque. First pair were pretty much the same quality as most peoples opinion on Grisport They almost lasted a year and I swore I wouldnt be buying them again. Then I went loking for boots again and the Vasques were 280 for a 3/4 season boot Everything else was 400 plus. 3 years later the soles are getting a little bald but otherwise they are good boots. I cant see a 600 pair of solomons or mendles lasting twice as long
11–12 of 12

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On 8 July 2015
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