Ultralight Tents

Hi everyone! I am wondering if anyone has an ultralight tent that they can recommend me. I have been doing a bit of research but am a bit overwhelmed with all the options. None seem to fit the bill exactly. Plus they are expensive so I need to weigh up cost/weight/durability and the fact that it won't be regularly used. I am a petite female (about 160cm tall) and I do a bit of tramping on my own. Generally I go to huts on well established routes, but I want to be able to carry a shelter for a) if I don't make it to the hut for whatever reason or b) I find myself in an emergency situation. I'm unlikely to regularly use a tent but because there will be the occasional deliberate tenting experience, I have ruled out a bivvy bag. I'm not keen on carrying just a fly and would prefer a small tent. Ideally around 1kg mark. My concerns around the ultralights are the durability. Also, what are people's opinions of the freestanding tents? I am a Wellingtonian so wind is pretty much always going to be an issue! If anyone can solve my dilemma with the ideal tent that doesn't cost me my firstborn I would really like to hear your comments!
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Now I remember why I didn't look at the MSR one. SO expensive! Given I plan to have it more as an emergency thing it's a bit outside price range. The Luxe one looks good but I can't seem to find it in NZ. Wonder if it has been replaced?
Other recent threads about tents: http://tramper.nz/?view=topic&id=7128&messageid=42823#message42823 http://tramper.nz/?view=topic&id=6953&messageid=35650#message35650 http://tramper.nz/?view=topic&id=3680&messageid=25007#message25007 And plenty more if you run a search for “tent”... As mentioned in other threads, I personally own the Microlight at 1.6kg. I don’t mind carrying the extra weight but the knowledge that this tent was designed for NZ’s windy conditions with a 10000mm floor is peace of mind for me. Macpac recently released a lighter single tent called the Sololight but oddly it’s no longer featured on the Australia or NZ websites…? It's 1.27kg. Macpac staff said they would favour the Microlight on a windy wet night. http://lotsafreshair.com/2015/04/21/macpac-sololight-tent/ Also considered the Vaude Power Lizard 1kg but the eye watering price of $700 soon made me see sense. Option to buy from overseas. Lots of choice. http://www.backpacker.com/gear/tents/1-person/
I don't seem to be able to edit posts at the moment… Another option is this little beauty from Macpac. Compact but light at 700g… but pricey for something so small… http://www.macpac.co.nz/bush-cocoon-bivvy-tent.html You just won't be able to do much more than sleep in it however...
I recently purchased the Zephyros 1. Haven't tried it out yet, but this week am going to head up to Arthurs Pass and spend a night in it up Avalanche Peak or something. I want to test my new gear out in snow, wind and torrential rain prior to commencing the TAT in August. Will be posting how it all held up here in the forums.
@Kreig. If you just want to park your tent for testing then Rome Ridge is probably better than Avalanche Peak for an immediate exposed camping spot. Once you leave the bush-line on Scott's track it's still a fair climb to the terrace below the east of the peak which IMO would be the earliest practical spot. Whereas pretty much as soon as you leave the bush-line on the Coral track you will gain the exposed ridge and a suitable tent spot marked by a rock ring. I'm not sure of the forecast but if it goes to custard for you then a retreat off Rome Ridge will be considerably easier. Another option is around Temple Basin Skifield which has the option of Lockwood Shelter if it goes pear shaped (though you're not supposed to overnight inside)
Cheers for the advice. I appreciate it. I've been meaning to do Avalanche Peak anyway, so might as well. However, I will also look up Rome Ridge. :)
11–16 of 16

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