HELI-HUNTING Peace and Tranquillity Destroyed!

Hello all, I was wondering how many of you realise what is about to become a legal activity on our public lands and National parks. Helihunting, is where a helicopter is used as a shooting platform, or is used to heard the animal, or run the animal to exhaustion, then the shooter is landed, hops out of the machine and shoots the animal. Now dont get this confused with commercial meat recovery or culling operations, this is for wealthy TROPHY hunters. This practice has absolutely no conservation benefit at all as they are only after mature Bulls ( this practice will be mainly used on Tahr ). So if you like me and like to get off the beeten track, then chances are your going to run into these guys. And note, the wilderness areas are not excluded, or Mount Cook National park. There is pleanty of infomation on DOCs web site, also a wealth of info about it at www.fishnhunt.co.nz Look under hunting/heli-hunting. There are a number of vids on youtube aswell. Sorry, I dont know how to put up a link. I really think we need to oppose this, as our back country will never be the same with this intrusion. So do send a letter to our Minister of Consevation Mike Cuddihy, his email address is [Email address removed]. Cheers, lostone
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The Press has an update on this story this morning, regarding likely decisions by the Canterbury-Aoraki Conservation Board. From http://www.stuff.co.nz/3387110 : [--snip--] "The board, which advises DOC, was told at its meeting in Twizel on Friday that the controversial practice was 'sick' and 'repugnant'. "Board members left the room briefly and, on their return, chairman Steve Lowndes took the unusual move of making a statement. "Lowndes said the board was unanimous in its opposition to heli-hunting and it would "not look favourably" at amendments to any plans which allowed the activity on public conservation land. He said heli-hunting concerned board members because of animal welfare, hunter safety and that it could hurt New Zealand's international reputation." [--snip--]
Yes its fantastic news but I wouldnt say that we have won yet, It wouldnt surprise me if DOC turned their backs on it all and went ahead anyway, But I am hoping. Poma Palmer, senior planner for DOC's Canterbury conservancy, said a discussion document on proposed changes to the Aoraki Mount Cook National Park's management plan received 102 public submissions. All but one were against heli-hunting. Surerly they cant ignore that.
Well, Poma is keen to play the treasury tune so he just might try but I think the Canterbuy conservator who is a hunter mightn't be so keen. I suspect he finds it as sick and repugnant as the rest of us.
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