HELI-HUNTING Peace and Tranquillity Destroyed!

Hello all, I was wondering how many of you realise what is about to become a legal activity on our public lands and National parks. Helihunting, is where a helicopter is used as a shooting platform, or is used to heard the animal, or run the animal to exhaustion, then the shooter is landed, hops out of the machine and shoots the animal. Now dont get this confused with commercial meat recovery or culling operations, this is for wealthy TROPHY hunters. This practice has absolutely no conservation benefit at all as they are only after mature Bulls ( this practice will be mainly used on Tahr ). So if you like me and like to get off the beeten track, then chances are your going to run into these guys. And note, the wilderness areas are not excluded, or Mount Cook National park. There is pleanty of infomation on DOCs web site, also a wealth of info about it at www.fishnhunt.co.nz Look under hunting/heli-hunting. There are a number of vids on youtube aswell. Sorry, I dont know how to put up a link. I really think we need to oppose this, as our back country will never be the same with this intrusion. So do send a letter to our Minister of Consevation Mike Cuddihy, his email address is [Email address removed]. Cheers, lostone
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Yes MistaB, you are mostly correct. This is how DOC describes it. The activity generally involves the helicopter being used to search for and find the trophy, to position the hunter on the ground and, if necessary, the helicopter prevents the animal from escaping until it is shot by the hunter. The helicopter then recovers the hunter and the trophy. But what generally happens is the helicopter is also used to chase the animal untill it is exhausted and can run no more, then the shooter is droped off to shoot the animal. This creates a lot of disturbance in the mountains. As for not shooting from the helicopter, I have seen this done myself, right above from where I was. Wich proves my point as to how do helihunting opperators know where other park users are. As people probably know on this fourm, my background is as a hunter, who is starting to get more into the tramping side of things. I have spent a lot of time in the Copland, Karangaua and the Douglas. While in the later two, I observed helihunting often, even made a formal complaint to DOC, apparently there is now no record of it??? I dont believe that opperators will comply with the new laws, why would they as they dont now, and DOC have shown no interest in inforcing the laws that they themselves made. Incase you havnt already guessed it, I have absolutely no faith in DOC on this matter.
Heres the link again that pretty much tells it how it is. Go and have a look. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcDMX4tQTy4
Ok, that clip makes it clear. I could not support the chasing of animals to exhaustion as good use of conservation estate. How do "hunters" even think that's hunting? That said, isn't that exactly how DOC go about their various culls? It is troubling allright. That said, I would not want to block heli operators from dropping in gear, supplies and parties and lifting them back out again afterward. But the time between the two events should probably be at least 8 hours!
Who would kill animals like this,by the look of some of the hunters they could not run a 100m,a very sad clip,i dont thik any self respecting hunter would do this as i met a few on the greenstone Track nice guys. Maybe that clip should be shown on national TV to wake some people up to what is going on
Now you guys have got the idea. A DOC cull is completely different though. A cull is carried out by professionals, and they do the job with as minimal fuss and disturbance as possible. These culls are necessary to control animal numbers. I do agree with you MistaB, helicopters are a great machines for accessing remote areas, I use them myself, but their use should have restrictions as you pointed out. I do urge you all to follow the link towards the start of this thread to DOCs website, and make your submission.
A group of us went walking in Sundown NP on the granite belt in Qld,Aust some years back and were advised by National Parks & Wildlife that a culling had to take place a couple of days before our excursion. It was done by helicopter and was targeting a deer and goat problem. During the first day out we were at first puzzled that we were so close to a large deer at rest on the side of a hill.It became obvious it was injured and one of our party had to slip aside to cut its throat to hasten the death. The poor thing was left to die with bullet wounds and it no doubt would have taken some time. We all thought the culling a callous act in that likely no effort was made to ensure the kill but no one was surprised by the practise. These are our governing bodies and they likely just don't care.
Dont mean to make a nuisence of my self, but time is running out to submit feedback, 5th Feb!!http://www.doc.govt.nz/getting-involved/consultations/current/heli-hunting/ Here is another read.http:http://www.stuff.co.nz/sunday-star-times/features/3276924/Death-from-above Dont think this wont affect YOUR wilderness experience.
I've completed a feedback form for all the good i believe it will do. I have very little faith.
Yea, I know what you mean, like trying to control a blind and deaf dinosaur. But we can only try:-)
For what it is worth, I got a personalised response the next day inviting me to make formal submissions once the applications for concessions are open for comment. So at least someone at DOC is at least human about it.
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