Looking for Te Araroa partner Nov/Dec 2015 (flex.)

Hi i'm Kev a UK Hiker/Tramper looking for a flexible tramping companion/partner to thru-Hike Te Araroa from Cape Reinga - Bluff, Southbound (SoBo). I can be flexible in route options, locations of interest, stopover points etc. I want it to be as enjoyable and engaging for all concerned. My only proviso is that whoever wants to join me must be willing to engage in volunteer conservation projects throughout the hike. I am currently in contact with the DOC about participation in the many ongoing projects. These vary from basic weeding control, rare bird breeding programs, native tree planting, trail restoration, etc. I am very keen to give back to New Zealand while I am here and there is no reason why I shouldn't. Its a beautiful country with a fantastic array of landscape and terrain. I want it to remain this way for years to come. I am: Male 29 UK I speak mainly English, but I can understand small amounts of French, German, Italian & Cornish :D My character is usually calm and relaxed with a good sense of humour. I am Friendly, Positive, Great communicator, morale booster, good decision maker but also diplomatic and above all, willing to learn and experience from people of different backgrounds. My Trekking Partner must be: Male/Female 20-100 Any Country (English speaking fluently would be desirable) They must be confident in their own abilities, but also have to courage to say when they are out of their depth. I can compromise with this, as I am certain there will be moments when I say "No, lets turn back". There is no shame in admitting this. As stated I would like the majority of this hike to be enjoyable while still pushing our boundaries. They must be generally like minded and want to help the environment along the way. I am certain whoever decides to join me will have a great time. If you like Ginger Nut Biscuits, Fig Rolls, Kendal Mint Cake and Rum then I think we'll get along fine. At the end of the Hike, I'm intending to apply to do a 6 month stint of volunteering on Raoul Island (Sunday Island) some 1000km NE of Auckland. If we've had a successful trip and bound a great friendship, then this may be an option that you may wish to also consider. Look forward to hearing from you. Cheers, Kev Bamboo *****Please comment on here first so I can gauge interest and then we can perhaps contact via email, once i'm certain of those who are serious*****
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Hey dude, I'm a German (just finished) student and am currently in Te Anau. I am thinking about going Te Araroam and what you havge written fits just perfectly for me (still have to go north before starting ;) ) I have some experience with walks about one week, but nothing of comparable size with TA. I have all the equipment that is needed (I think), especially a tent in which I plan to spend the nights. I really love NZ for its landscape and I believe we have very similar ideas about going TA! I'd be very happy if you wrote me back! :) Cheers, Steffen

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Hello Kev, My name is Caitlyn, and I am from Ontario. I will be leaving Oct. 2016 to begin my Te Araroa adventure. I am a photographer and writer who has been searching for people who would be interested in partnering with me for this trip, as being with people will make it much easier and more enjoyable. I have also been searching for sponsors. I plan on learning a lot about myself and others on this trip, so volunteering along the way will just add to my personal project and my wellbeing. If you've decided to go not now, but next year, please send me a message so we can further speak. :) Take care, and good luck!
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Bamboo
On 10 March 2015
Replies 11
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