Types of shelter

http://andrewskurka.com/2015/backpacking-shelter-types-pros-cons-sd-live/ "n last month’s SD LIVE event, I discussed the pros and cons of common backpacking shelters — specifically double-wall tents, single-wall tents, tarp systems, bivy sacks, and hammocks. My presentation was a relatively unbiased assessment of the available options, and also intentionally brand- and product-neutral. While I definitely prefer some shelter types over others (refer to my gear lists or The Ultimate Hiker’s Gear Guide), my preferences may not be appropriate for backpackers who encounter different environmental conditions and/or who have a different objective in their outings. This broadcast was part of a double-header. Later in the afternoon, Michael Glavin, the Brand Manager of Sierra Designs, reviewed the 2015 shelters, including the innovative Tentsegrity line of single-wall tents"
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Im rather young and have no knee issues etc, but I started using poles and notice Im falling over less, downhill sections are less treacherous, and my knees get less jarred etc. Im alk for them now Ive tried tem. Also means I can always set up my tarp
91–91 of 91

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