Hiking the hollyford track

I am told this track is breathtaking but overlooked due to its proximity to the Milford trek. I am very interested in walking from the trailhead to the ocean and back. I have heard the fishing is outstanding and would like to give it a shot here and there. I have a car and will be leaving from the Nelson area(and the Heaphy trek) and arriving in Te Anu around the 10th to begin the hike. I have been to NZ twice before and am an experienced backpacker. I would enjoy walking with one or more other people. I am a retired chiropractor which has proved to be an asset on occasion. Happy trails
The Hollyford is different to most of the popular walks in New Zealand because it doesn't have any hills. The highest point on the track is only about 100m above sea level. Basically it follows the Hollyford river until it flows out to Lake McKerrow and then follows the lake to the sea. If you are into fishing then it will be ideal. What many people do is walk the track one way and then get a plane of jet boat the other way, saves walking back the same way. While you don't have to climb, you still have mountains. You get to appreciate looking up at them. The Darren Mountains are right alongside you all the way. You will also get to appreciate the sandflies and rain. There are plenty of both. The good thing about the rain is that the waterfalls are fantastic. The good thing about the sandflies is they will keep you moving along the track
Hello. It's good to have some dialogue with someone who has been on the hollyford track. I'm curious if you made it all the way to the ocean and if so how many days did it take you? Is it best to make reservations at the huts or to bring a tent? I would also love to hear any recommendations about the fishing if you don't mind sharing. A flight back might be spectacular to see the terrains that I just walked through. If it's really beautiful though I'm good to just walk back. I appreciate your knowledge and time, WILL.
Hi naturewalker, See this thread here: http://www.tramper.co.nz/?view=topic&id=518 .The 2nd post is my experience on the Hollyford when I was there about this time last year. To answer your qestions more directly, there are 5 huts on the Hollyford (6 if you count McKerrow Island hut) though as Hidden Falls hut is only about 2 hours in you can skip that one to make it 4 days one way. I skipped 2 huts so it took me 3 days to reach Martins Bay. You do not make bookings for these huts. Its a case of 1st in best served. All of the huts are at least 12 bunks. I dont recall seeing any camping spots, but if you want to bring a tent you can probably find places to put it up. I have heared there are lots of fish in Lake McKerrow, thats one of the reasons you can sometimes see dolphins in it (the Northern end at least), you do spend a bit of time near the Hollyford river... it looks like it could have fish in it but I dont know :-) You can certainly hire flights in and out to Martins Bay, or to Jetboat to and from near the Hollyford/Pyke confluence to Martins Bay, you just need to book those in advance.
Thank you for the update. I get more and more excited the closer it gets.WILL

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Started by naturewalker
On 11 December 2009
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