Abit of help?

Hey everyone I dont know weather or not someone will be able to help but when I was about 13-14 yrs old I joined a practice search and rescue exercise over on the feilding side of the ruahines and I cant for the life of remember what the track was that It started from, all that I remember about it was that we drove along a gravel road stopped at a fence and ya hop over and walk down a what looked like a bulldozed track to the park line and from there I cant remember. The bulldozed track was a relativly steep drop. I have a feeling that it might be iron gates but am not sure. I just want to do it again as I enjoyed the tramp, Cheers jono.
Yep that sounds like the trip into Heritage Lodge-Iron Gate Hut
Jono51: Do you remember a small lake (maybe more like a fish pond with frogs in it) next to the parking area at the road? If so then it's almost certainly the Heritage Lodge road-end that hellmission suggested.
Yea im pretty sure i do, I do remember being not that far in when walking past that hut along the wet weather track( the original hut being 8 years ago) But that was the last hut I saw After sidling above the river then dropping down and going up and over a big hill then it was just river travel from there camping beside the river, was a very long weekend for an unfit 14 year old lol 21 hours tramping

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Forum The campfire
Started by Jono51
On 7 October 2009
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