Heads Up in The Urewera's

this from yahoo news page http://nz.news.yahoo.com/a/-/top-stories/5717019
I must find out the exact locations of these confrontations. The park is a huge place and it would be unlikely that you will find any of these characters very far from the road. I don't imagine there is any problems at the popular entry and exit points. I think it goes without saying that it isn't a good idea to leave cars at the road ends anyway.
Listened to a local from Whakatane area on radio the other day. it would appear to be a flare up of similar activity in this area that has appeared from time to time after loacal moari closed access to hunting in this area. Especially the river access.
Do you know any landowners at roadends other than the contacts on the DOC website that are happy to look after your car? How safe is this place and Whirinaki F.P for trampers? Is it just hunters the mob are after?
In the Whirinaki, the man is Gary Aldridge at Whirinaki Forest Lodge in Te Whaiti. Ph 07-3663235. Another contact for the Murupara, Galatea Area is Matt Satherley Ph- 07-3664756. Also if going up the Ohutu from Troutbeck Rd there is a walking easement across a dairy farm to give access to the bush. I don't have the guys name on hand but DOC will. If you ask him nicely he will let you drive across the farm and park at the bush edge.
Better add that I wouldn't consider any of the road ends in this area safe for parking overnight. There are plenty of mongerels in the area and that is before all this blew up.
Gary was very accomodating the last time i went through dropped me off at the start of the track in my car and picked me up 3 days later at an appointed time. $40 cheap at twice the price in my opinion
Is this about the same place where that police raid was?
The Police raids were at Ruatoki on the Whakatane River. The Waimana to the east is also a hot bed of ferment with the road being blocked etc. The DOC pamphlet on http://www.doc.govt.nz/upload/documents/parks-and-recreation/tracks-and-walks/east-coast-hawkes-bay/northern-te-urewera-brochure.pdf gives the names of a couple of guys who will look afetr vehicles in those areas

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