Hut guessing game

Thought it might be a bit of fun to post photos of random huts, then allow others to try and guess which hut it is. Feel free to add your own hut photos. Here is a hut to get things started. Should be quite easy. Hut 1.
31–40 of 43

Well, it has to be in the Silver Peaks! Looks bloody awful, where ever it is...
Ok lets try Yellow Hut?
Yeah!! Give that person a chocolate fish. When I was at high school we used to tramp up here on Friday night. The hut was in open paddocks but the scrub has grown around it now. One time in the 1980s the whole hut got blown away in a storm and rolled intact down the hill. Memebers of the Otago Tramping & Mountaineering Club went up and dutifully dismantled it and then reassembled it back to its original site. This photo was taken a couple of years ago but I think DOC removed it at about the time they built the new Jubilee Hut. It had passed its use by date
OK, Time to sum up. Hut 1: Lake Daniels Hut 2: Lakehead Hut 3: ?? Hut 4: ?? Hut 5: ?? Hut 6: Sparrowhawk Hut 7: Kylie Biv Hut 8: Clark Hut Hut 9: Pinnacles Hut Hut 10: Yellow Hut We need answers to 3, 4, 5.
Hut 3 was Fishtail hut.
Ok, Its just way too quiet in here. Time for another round of the hut guessing game. Link:
Hut 1: Lake Daniels Hut 2: Lakehead Hut 3: ?? Hut 4: Korean Misile silo in the Wakamaka River-Ruahines Hut 5: Top Wakamaka Biv-Ruahines Hut 6: Sparrowhawk Hut 7: Kylie Biv Hut 8: Clark Hut Hut 9: Pinnacles Hut Hut 10: Yellow Hut Is hut 3 in Westland?
is the above hut Zekes Hut?
Yes, have you been there? Its one of my favourites.
Hut 3 is in the Richmond range, Marlborough.
31–40 of 43

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