
What kind of packs are the best appropriate for tramping in nz for about 5-6 days on end?
31–40 of 77

Yeah, I use to struggle to fit everything I need for a overnight trip into a 85L pack. Now I can fit it into a 32L (especially for hut tramping). Its amazing how much bulk can be removed by focusing on compact and lightweight equipment. I even get more useful gear into my 32L, because previously I did not take a sleeping pad but now I do.
Sorry I can't help you with a first-hand account of Osprey packs, all I can say about them is that all the reviews I've seen are pretty positive about them, and if Bivouac stock the brand then I would assume that they are generally of good quality. In some hiking circles in the US they are considered heavy!! There is a Osprey Exos 58 that is even lighter c.1.2kg. I too have been going through the downsizing process over the last 2-3 years and have currently have settled on a second hand canvas Macpac Ravine (65l, 1.55kg, a simple tough pack) as my pack of choice for trips up to week long. The Torre only sees the bush now when I take the kids for a tramp and I have to haul 3 sets of gear and a great big tent and the 20 packs of marshmallows.
I read the comments on packs and often feel physically ill as you all go on about 60 to 80ltr packs. Its true that most of my walks these days are 2 day affairs but 2 or 3 times a year they stretch out to 4 days or more and i still struggle to fill my Macpac pursuit 40. I dont think i miss anything in the way of comfort and safety with the odd treat thrown in. Just what is it you guys carry that requires this much size and pain.
Personally speaking I'm looking into the Osprey 65L for the reasons stated, and that I am seeking as light as possible for a two month trip to South America. I have bigger packs but would like to downsize for comfort. As for what I carry normally when doing week long tramps? Sadly far too much is the short answer.
lol 65l i understand south america but the last time i looked they carried most of what they need on their heads i dont think they are going to worry too much if you dont have a new pair of underwear for each day of the week. You have bigger packs plural! Now theres a definition of insanity. My knees just gave up the ghost
Yeah, I wonder too. I don't have too much problem with my pack. As long as it is comfortable, it doesn't matter too much how heavy it is. But I have often found that by leaving out just a few things you can drop the pack's weight below a critical level and it suddenly feels a lot lighter. I have to admit that I havn't gone through a downsizing process lately. I have in the past but it tends to be cyclical. The weight creeps up and then you downsize and do without, then it creeps up again. If I allow time and organise myself then I can get my pack lighter. I usually have my tent and inflatable pad regardless of where I go. I always have my stove regardless of who else has one. I tend to have too many clothes and too much food so can prune those down. I tend to have spare gloves and spare hats and I have this odd little stuff bag of all sorts of stuff I might need, it includes tent repair kit, compass, bits of string, hut pass, karabina. It is getting a bit heavy, time most of that got the biff. I always have a firelighting kit, candles and a bike tyre tube, first aid kit, roll of duck tape. The funny thing is that people are often looking for stuff like this on a trip and it seems to be me who can oblige. I was once asked by someone in a hut if I had a pair of pliers so he could fix his stove. I couldn't oblige him, though I did take a claw hammer on a trip once and it was remarkably useful for a number of things.
My mate used to pack like that.
Interested to know who the "they" are, to whom you refer, and who so graciously wouldn't mind my not having a new pair of underpants each day. Secondly would like to know what this has to do with anything, unless of course the suggestion is that it would be they, not me who will be carrying my pack. Mistakenly, if that is the case. It also appears that more than one pack = insanity. Must tell me the formula for this equation some time.
This is what I squeeze into my 32L pack for a summer trip (Does not include clothing I wear) Fairydown Rain Jacket Merino or Interwool top Merino Skin layer (1x) Merino Long Johns. Socks (1x) Fairydown Superlite Sleeping bag Hut tickets, matches. Food Muesli bays, 1sq meals, Cashnew nuts, chocolate... Water bladder. Optional ( Can only fit one not both) Billy, Primus, Gas, Spork. Backcountry Meal, pasta meal, or Exped Tent , Thermarest With luck I would have room for a book.
I suppose its the "old guy" in me talking after years of abusing myself and now paying the price daily. every time is see the comments about whieght i get a twinge and carnt help sounding like my father in the hope that some of you might listen and avoid what im going through now. Vain hope i know but its in me to keep trying.
31–40 of 77

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