Nasty piece of work ...

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Yesterday, when walking up to Cass Saddle, off the track a little I managed to get myself entwined in a rather nasty piece of vine that had thorns attached to it. The more I tried to slowly unravel myself, the more it took hold. Im now covered in what looks like lashings from a whip and Im curious to know what this nasty piece of work might be? (it def wasnt matagouri or a spaniard). Does anyone have any ideas?
Bush lawyer
Photo here
yep that'd be it. Thanks for that.
On a club tramping trip one time with about a dozen people on the trip, a little bit of bush lawyer hanging from above caught me just above the eye and drew blood on my forehead. Half an hour later we sat down for a rest and noticed that every person behind me had the same row of dots and trickle of blood just above the right eye. Nasty bit of work alright!!
Ouch! I shudder at the thought, especially right above the eye.
Hats are helpful, but I've almost lost a couple without realising from Bush Lawyer.
The stuff is especially fond of ears and eyelids, i find. Good news is possums love the stuff: so whilst I always seem to be working around it, at least possums are good for something!
Been a while since I have seen any bush lawyer. I have never found it much of a problem. I hate the little rush like plant with the black spiky seed heads which get caught on socks and leg hairs more. Even that seems to be less common now.... Maybe its because I wear gators or long pants most of the time now.
Yes B@$*&@d grass is a pain if you've got hairy legs like mine, behind the knee is the worst spot. For me the worst plant in the NZ bush is Ongaonga, or stinging nettle. I did a traverse of the Aorangi Ranges with Scouts 20 years ago and we tried to take a shortcut by cutting across the gully to the spur on the other side. We charged down the slope only to run (almost literally) headfirst into a plantation of ongaonga. Needless to say we beat a slow and painful retreat back up the hill. We also learned that never get the stings wet or sweaty - it just makes the stings hurt more. The best thing for relief was plastering on damp sticky mud.
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