Nasty piece of work ...

Yesterday, when walking up to Cass Saddle, off the track a little I managed to get myself entwined in a rather nasty piece of vine that had thorns attached to it. The more I tried to slowly unravel myself, the more it took hold. Im now covered in what looks like lashings from a whip and Im curious to know what this nasty piece of work might be? (it def wasnt matagouri or a spaniard). Does anyone have any ideas?
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Ive had my fair share of toughening thanks including breaking my back and still walking to tell the tale. However I did mean in worse case scenario like pmcke's mate who tumbled face first in to it. Ive never heard of Stingoes though Bushtrekker so might check it out. Can 'hurt' (excuse the pun!) to have some in the first aid kit just in case :)
Didn't mean it as offense - sorry. Just the standard remedy for anything a winging pom gets told if he asks.
Yes, I would think antihystimine would be the best bet if anything strange happens. If it just a normal sting, just put up with it, keeping the area cool will help, I find the worst time is when you are in your sleeping bag and you are nice and warm, it stings like hell.
I don't need toughen up pills...ongaonga don't hurt me anymore...been stung countless times including when I was young.
actually cold water works.
21–25 of 25

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